About the annexation of canada


First time out of the vault
Can anyone answer this question?
Again, this is typical of unrealistic writing.

Firstly, no intelligent US President would jeopardize the political, social, economic and military future of their country based on an assumption, belief or fear of a Nuclear War. (regarding to American policies to not share/sell their oil to the rest of the world)
There would have to be utterly conclusive intelligence to account for such a dramatic shift of a nation's attitude to the world.

Secondly, under the assumption that the US Government received indisputable evidence that such an attack was imminent, how do you explain the point in annexing Canada and even bothering to fight the Chinese at Alaska?
Had they known of such a Nuclear attack, Annexing Canada would be a tremendous waste of military resources, it would have been easier to just solidify the US-Canadian border and let the Canadians deal with the Chinese.

In the same token, I was under the impression that the fear of a Nuclear War was present without undeniable evidence of anyone pushing the button, the vaults were merely built as a safety precaution. However when they US pushed the Chinese back, the Red Chinese used it as a last resort.

Again, the entire premise behind the act of annexing Canada makes no sense no matter how you look at it.
Its either a waste of resources if the US government didn't care about the rest of the world and were just acting in the interest of their people.
It's an extremely stupid political move (Even for a yank) if they didn't know about the imminent Nuclear War.

None of it makes any logical sense, so in turn. I once again beg that they (bethesda) hire writing staff that are more worldly (than black isle's).
Apparently, someone is unfamiliar with how desperate countries operate.

Annexation of Canada is a sound economical move, as it gives direct access to the massive resources there. Sure, it's a logistical and military nightmare, but for a giant desperate not to lose Alaska and for raw resources, it's easily conceiveable.

It seems to me that guy doesn't really know the backstory of Fallout, or why the nuclear war happened for that matter.
yeah if you know the story behind it it makes perfectly sense. And if you think about it its not that far away from reality. Maybe today it is, but the US tried at least once to conquer Canada. Or they called it liberate it from the Brits.
I will read through the back story extensively and see if it provides any enlightenment towards this topic, from what I have observed so far it seems merely put together.

From your summary of the Resource you linked to me I can establish that the events surrounded 2059 and 2066 make no sense.

If there was apprehension around the possibility of a Chinese invasion, the Canadians would be the first to mobilize against such a threat.

I don't see their reasons behind "Tensions building between the US and Canada", they seem to think Canadians have the same 'in your face' pride as Americans, they wouldn't care if US troops were stationed there as long as they adhered to Canadian federal law.
The entire concept is very much the definition of B*llocks. And to be honest its more insulting to the US Government than anything, they were pretty sneaky and sly in the Cold War, the entire Fallout's perspective on Americans seem to portray them as clumsy goons shooting aimlessly into the sky hoping for a solution.
This is further solidified by the assumption that the Americans would be so stupid as to assume control over Canada's resources when the very life blood of their nation runs through their country.

Again, this entire universe seems to portray Americans as something they are not. In the world of politics; Americans always like to have aces in the hole. Why fight a battle yourself when you can convince someone else to do it? Why piss off a country so conveniently close to an important asset when you can use them as extra manpower and security?
The US government in its prime were MUCH more intelligent than this time line makes them out to be, it does not reflect the uncanny brilliance of a Cold War America.
I think the guy answered himself already.

Again, this entire universe seems to portray Americans as something they are not.

Without that they wouldn't be any story.
The annexion of canada is there to show us how different the america of the game is, ultranationalistic and achieving the panamerican dream the brutal way. An america that would have taken all the bad choices, the way germany and others once did, an america that would have led the world into nuclear war, allowing the dev to make a game in a post apocalytic world.
Canada is a good choice just because its crazy and much more unrealistic as if, for example the US would have conquered a middle east country just for its oil.

At least, that's my way of seeing thing.
In my opinion, it portrays America very closely to reality. Well, except for the whole retro 50's thing though.
Wait.... arent they doing that already?

Hey dont forget the beginning of the sentence! :D

But maybe i expressed myself wrongly.
Basicly the guy (the OP?) asked why did the fallout US conquered canada since they don't need to in the real world, they can have canada support and ressources without conquering it.
If the designers would have taken let's say Irak as the conquered state for their intro, that wouldn't have been science fiction, since thats more of less what they did back in 90 (and after that also, but they couldn't know that). And in a twisted way, its more logical to invade a middle east country (dictature, ethnical killing, "far away", nobody really care, did you say mass destruction weapon ? :D ) than Canada (peaceful neighbour, democracy, old ally...)

I think that the political critic of the game is more about the flaws of a right wing america, as it was present in 50's and still in some aspect of their society now. But not against america as a whole. I dont see the america of today invading canada tomorow.

I am not trying to say america isn't an imperialistic state, just to answer the guy's question : Why canada?

But hey, maybe I am wrong. Maybe that since the game designers already depleted all the ressources of the Middle East and of the RoW the only choice of the US would be to secure the last ressources where they were before the chinese do it and that they think that's exactly what the US would do in a situation like that.
I mean, who knows what I would be able to do if all the beers of the world had magically disapeared and I knew my neigbour had a stash somewhere and wouldn't share it... :P
So essentially what they're saying is they're trying to write about an American government that simply would not survive in any logical world?
These writers tend to underestimate politicians.

As for America being militaristic, I don't see that at all. Apart from their unhealthy obsession with the US Marine Corps, the American people tend to overly dramatize the concept of War in their every day media.

The populace itself is the most 'liberal' I've ever met, especially the younger generation. I had this girl from Wisconsin who was under the impression that world peace was possible. :lol:
That guy's a fucking moron.

He's applying real world America to Fallout's 1950s-inspired America. What a tool.
Tagaziel said:
That guy's a fucking moron.

He's applying real world America to Fallout's 1950s-inspired America. What a tool.

You got that right.

As for America being militaristic, I don't see that at all. Apart from their unhealthy obsession with the US Marine Corps, the American people tend to overly dramatize the concept of War in their every day media.

Someone need to read the news, USA is at war you know :roll: ? in Iraq and in Afghanistan, what are you trying to say? that war isnt important?

To Grayswandir: hey i was just trying to make some fun out your quote :P
Yes the US is at war. The US is also run by corrupt profit driven corporations. As much as our governmetn would like to preach it, this is not a country run by the people (meaning the average joe).

It is a nation run by corporations/lobbyists/people with the most money and power.

America (as in joe public), is more "liberal" than ever these days thanks to W.
If I was the USA, I'd definately annex Canada. But then again, as a Canadian I'm pretty biased that this country is better... :D
As an american who plays alot of total war game I would diffently annex canada, I mean a close ally is nice, but some times it's just easier to take total control of an area.
Might make an interesting angle in FO-universe to go to Canada, maybe hunt two-headed bears and forage and fight for/against some Canadian guerilla troops fighting the pro-US troops.
It would be awesome to have a Fallout game in Canada. Only the major cities would be hit, and Canada is so spread out that most of the cities and towns would probably survive... And with the annexation and all, we'd all be geared up for war already... So, yeah...
It would make much more sense to annex Australia, it's a lot easier to hold and you can gain a steady amount of men a turn to help defend it....

Oh wait thats Risk.