About the Fallout 1/2 "Theme Song"...


First time out of the vault
I heard the song in the beginning of Fallout 1/2 was made by Louis Armstrong. I happen to have his "best of" cd, so what was the name of the song?
... It's the Fallout 2 theme song, "A Kiss To Build A Dream On." you couldn't find it merely by playing the first few seconds on each song of the cd?
*sigh* ANother warhammer player.......

And ehmm, yeah, but it's only the Fallout 2 theme song, the Fallout 1 theme song was made by the Ink Spots...
Yo momma!

Actually I have no idea, so I'll go with "What is, Bite me, Alex."


Mohrg :twisted:
I'm guessing the name "Azarskittar" comes from Warhammer. Sounds Skaven, but I haven't played it in a long time...
Nothing is wrong with Warhammer. Sander is just poking fun.

As for Mohrg...Well, to paraphrase a movie "You must excuse him, he's an idiot. We purpossely trained him wrong, as a joke"