About the Weapon options

Lazarus Plus said:
And I have the Modern Dictionary of Military Weapons, too. Doh.

How bout that FAMAS? Those FN cats are pretty good.

Hey... a weapons book I don't have!!! Gotta go to the book store this week.... I've got "The Illustrated Book of guns", "The world's Great Small Arms", "the world's Great Machineguns", and several others.....

FAMAS? Too modern as well, unless you want to put in something completely different and call it "Fusil automatique".
Personally i was a burst happy guy all through fallout 1 and 2. As someone described before the idea of fullauto is great but would require a combat system different than what the SPECIAL system has to offer. A system from the game Silent Storm for example would be suitable. However full auto could make its appearance yet. Now assuming that FO3 would be a full 3d game, a logical way to incorporate full auto is through an ability called suppression. It would use the remaining ammount of ammunition in your gun to blanket a specific area designated by you. Npcs who are not fully in cover will have a small but not insignificant chance to be hit by a bullet, and all npcs within the designated area regardless of cover will suffer AP, accuracy and/or morale penalties for their next combat turn. A critical Suppresion would cause total or movement imobilisation or perhaps cause the npcs in question to run away in fear or drop their weapons or go berserk and take truly random actions.
Lord 342 said:
Lazarus Plus said:
And I have the Modern Dictionary of Military Weapons, too. Doh.

How bout that FAMAS? Those FN cats are pretty good.

Hey... a weapons book I don't have!!! Gotta go to the book store this week.... I've got "The Illustrated Book of guns", "The world's Great Small Arms", "the world's Great Machineguns", and several others.....

FAMAS? Too modern as well, unless you want to put in something completely different and call it "Fusil automatique".

Oh I know the FAMAS isn't good for the game. I was just commenting on it being a good design in general. The whole design of the stock and trigger, and the "bullpup" layout make it much too modern.
Mephiston said:
As someone described before the idea of fullauto is great but would require a combat system different than what the SPECIAL system has to offer...
It would make more sense to double the action point scheme: yes, with agility of 1, you have 11APs and with agility of 10 you have 20APs and at the same time, every action takes more APs, so burst takes 11-12AP on normal gun, depending what kinds of bursts the gun has. The ability scorers should be allowed to go beyond(10+) the normal human scorers, so that just like a deathclaw, you could have 15 strength, thought you should be ably to put only 10ST at the beginning, and you could in rare cases increase it(like in F2). The only problem with this is in the perks and trades, the armor class modifiers, and movement. But since Bethesba is going to do some changes to the game schemes, I hope that they won't make too large, just tiny adjustments to the SPECIAL.
Well i start by telling my point again ...Yes full auto meaning fireing the entire clip/mag. will take lot`s of Ap and will pin point you to thet location/spot but real life if you fire auto you can`t move ...so even ...if you can move and risking to take dmg. maibe u cove the sniper getting in to pos. I finish FBOS with one havy guy and 5 snipers in touth guy mode allways with CTB ...For start i wanna say thet i agree with the man i hope bethesda ain`t gona make major changes ...but thet was my ideea full auto ...
And second all you guys have done is coment my ideea i want to here your ideea`s if u have some (this game the more complex will become the more gameplay will have/for exemple combine the freedom of fallout 2 with a map in witch u can encounter more bose`s not just one/or multiple ways to go before u reach the end)
I will come back with thet scan from thet book as i promice and i holp to here something from u guys to

Let`s make fallout great!
ascaroth I defy your assertion that a person cannot be moveing and fire full auto.


As for fallout..... yer.... I can see emptying an entire clip/magazine/belt of ammo costing you're entire AP...
Elissar said:
ascaroth I defy your assertion that a person cannot be moveing and fire full auto.


I second that. Unless you're talking about a mounted weapon like the 20mm mounted Vulcan, there's really nothing preventing any person from firing a full-auto weapon whilst moving. This is down to the Uzis, to the Steyr AUG, to the FN P-90...you know, it's just simpler to call you Romanian and just get straight to the insults. :D
Well rosh, I was talking about the M60... the last time i fired that i was moveing at about 150 MPH...

But you DO bring up many valid points...
Hell, soldiers fire the M249 at a jogging pace in real life. They can't hit shit while doing it, but that's not the point. Makes the enemy duck.
I belive the i was offering an idea of my own (though im sure its been no doubt explored since FO tactics) involving supression fire.

and of course you can run and fire fullauto, you can do that while bunnyhoping like an idiot, you can do it with one hand on your dick, sure the only thing you might hit is cowering bitch which you werern't aiming at but its deff possible.....

And whats wrong with romanians huh?? im romanian wanna make something of it????? nah just kidding i dont give a fuck...romanians, bunch of arrogant lying sobs :wink:
Mephiston, your ideas on suppressing fire don't have a place in Fallout (IMO), nor are they warranted when taking the genre into account. Fallout 1/2 aren't tactical strategy games, and neither are they action. Seeing as Fallout 3 is following the tradition of using a numerical moniker modifier instead of adopting a subtitle ala FOT:BOS and FO:POS, it stands to reason that F3 will share the same genre and, hopefully, most of the same features and gameplay systems as F1/2.
Besides, seeing exactly how you outlined your idea for suppressing fire, it would be far too easy to exploit (There was a very similar problem in Star Wars Galaxies).

Mephiston said:
A critical Suppresion would cause total or movement imobilisation or perhaps cause the npcs in question to run away in fear or drop their weapons or go berserk and take truly random actions.
Immobilization- Roughly translates to "lose a turn". While arguably realistic, it's overpowered and makes little sense within the confines of this type of RPG. Incidences of temporary immobilization due to being knocked ass-over-teacups, blown over by a rocket, being shot in the family jewels, etc. make far more sense than this part of your idea, which is just great considering they're already a part of F1/2/FOT.
Fleeing- Makes no sense, since the whole point of supression is that the target is pinned down and CAN'T move.
The Berserk/Random actions idea- I can't see anyone going bugfuck-insane from battle fatigue when they've only been under suppressing fire for a relatively tiny amount of time. One combat turn in Fallout equates to a minute in real world time, at the max (in my estimation)- usually much less. Battle fatigue-related psychological problems don't manifest anywhere near that quickly.
Weapon dropping- Makes no sense. "OMG, a bullet just passed through the air near me! Whoops, lost my grip!"

What's to stop a person from, say, allocating 10 LK, taking the More Criticals and Better Criticals perks, and then using nothing but suppressing fire? Just let their party members kill the enemies, who are all weakened or can't fight back, period. Seeing as Bethsoft will likely follow in the footsteps of F2 and cluelessly place absurd amounts of ammunition in the game (thus making this "tactic" viable), it's a more than likely scenario.
Mephiston said:
Npcs who are not fully in cover will have a small but not insignificant chance to be hit by a bullet, and all npcs within the designated area regardless of cover will suffer AP, accuracy and/or morale penalties for their next combat turn.
Even without taking into account critical hits, the most common effects outlined in your idea are too strong. No idea what you mean by morale penalties, though, unless it means that when their turn comes they move away from you a few hexes instead of all-out running. Thus anyone in the cone of suppressing fire potentially (meaning more than likely) suffers a double hit to their AP and a double penalty to accuracy, and that's WITHOUT a critical. So even if a person with a ranged weapon still has enough AP to fight back, they'll probably miss anyway. Someone with a melee weapon more than likely won't be able to retaliate at all, thus making your idea a kiter's dream (Run away while shooting, thus avoiding taking any damage from melee opponents).

Here's a question: Why would untargeted weapons fire be able to do all of these things, but gunfire that's actually AIMED at someone wouldn't? I don't know about you, but the knowledge that someone is actively attempting to blow my head off is much more frightening than the idea that someone is firing indiscriminately in my general direction. I guess actually shooting AT someone would result in them throwing a grenade at their nearest ally before dropping the entire contents of their inventory and attempting to dig their way to China.

The Fall has the market cornered on poorly thought-out features/bugs/exploits within the single-player PA genre, let's try and keep it that way if you so please.

Mephiston said:
and of course you can run and fire fullauto, you can do that while bunnyhoping like an idiot, you can do it with one hand on your dick, sure the only thing you might hit is cowering bitch which you werern't aiming at but its deff possible.....
That makes you sound like the perfect little posterchild for those who come to NMA to wank about how Fallout would be SOOOO MCUH BETTAR ROFL LOL!!1 if it were more like Counterstrike/America's Army/Insert brainless "military-based" FPS.
Kan-Kerai said:
Mephiston said:
The Berserk/Random actions idea- I can't see anyone going bugfuck-insane from battle fatigue when they've only been under suppressing fire for a relatively tiny amount of time. One combat turn in Fallout equates to a minute in real world time, at the max (in my estimation)- usually much less. Battle fatigue-related psychological problems don't manifest anywhere near that quickly.
Weapon dropping- Makes no sense. "OMG, a bullet just passed through the air near me! Whoops, lost my grip!"

Makes perfect sense if you take into account the Jessica Lynch Factor...

Other than that... I have no arguments with you're arguments...
The what?

Her weapon jammed before she could get a single bullet anywhere near the attackers. Are you talking about weapon jams?

Or do you mean the initial story of the Pentagon about a war heroine who fought until she was out of ammo? Lynch made it quite clear this story was propagandistic bullshit (well, in a more patriotic and less critical tone).
That's a fair deconstruction of my idea

I guess is why Suppresing fire wasn't included in FO: Tactics though im sure at one point i saw screenshots of an early build with that as one of the attack options. Or at least i think i did, i doubt i was hallucinating.

When i said what i said about fullauto, i wasn's really thinking of Fallout as much as what would happen in real life. No i dont think fallout would be in any way better if it was more like america's army or call of duty or any other "mindless" shooters, simply because there would be nothing innovative about it. In fact i belive there was a shooter based on fallout, a half-life mod callled wasteland.

I wouldn't mind a first person Fallout RPG in the style of System Shock 2 or the original Deus Ex, but i have a feeling im going to get flamed just for suggesting that.

Honestly i dont give a shit, as long as it contines the fallout story and is a highly interactive open ended rpg just like the first 2 were. Other than that i dont care what system it uses and what perspective its in. Sure id hate to see it turn into a final fantasty style rpg, but bedthesda won't ever do that.
Ashmo said:
The what?

Her weapon jammed before she could get a single bullet anywhere near the attackers. Are you talking about weapon jams?

Or do you mean the initial story of the Pentagon about a war heroine who fought until she was out of ammo? Lynch made it quite clear this story was propagandistic bullshit (well, in a more patriotic and less critical tone).

Wait...first story was that she fired until her ammo was gone, then the more believable one that she dropped her weapon in shock for the ass rape, and then now it's because her weapon jammed?

Sorry, but the first excuse after the first story debunked is usually the correct one. It is amazing that she suddenly remembers her weapon jamming when she claims amnesia in several spots that move around, and now with the CLP gun lube reports. I know what many troops did in the first Gulf War when CLP would attract sand - add more CLP! And that is truly what causes it to go from "slightly hindered in the firing speed" to "jammed". Unbelievable, really.
Well, she claimed her weapon had jammed. I guess fear of ass rape works too.

Either way, the heroine story is propagandistic bullshit (like most of the rescue). I guess they figured having a good-looking soldierette captured by the evil Afghan-... -- no, wait ... Iraqis! -- would be a good chance to stage a heroic rescue of a heroic patriot wouldbe-model.

I wonder whether the Pentagon's video library includes a copy of Wag the Dog
Yeah, yeah, weapon jammed, fear of assrape, who cares? I'm more interested in her alleged nude photos. Anyone know where to find those? :wiggle:
MWAHAHAHA Larry Flynt is God!

On November 11, 2003, Larry Flynt announced to the AP he purchased photographs of a "fully nude" Lynch who was "frolicking with the soldiers" in Army "barracks" from soldiers who participated in the event. Flynt told the press that the soldiers "wanted to let it be known that she's not all apple pie." While Flynt, a registered Democratic and vocal opponent of the Bush White House, admitted he "bought nude photos of Pfc. Jessica Lynch to publish in Hustler magazine" he changed his mind. This decision to "lock [the photographs] in a vault" was because she's a "good kid" who became "a pawn for the government." "Some things are more important than money," he said. "You gotta do the right thing." Thus, the photographs have never been leaked or published.
Amazing that she didn't turn out to be a porn starlet.

Would have been the perfect Pentagon fuck-up.