About to do Yes Man

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I just got my Fallout groove back and I decided a way to get back into is to do the Yes Man playthrough. Firstly I did the NCR playthrough, which I completed (although I saved before the last playthrough, I couldn't bare not to). I also like to the playthrough properly, i.e what a person in my position would do, so any tips for my second playthrough?
Mr Krepe said:
I just got my Fallout groove back and I decided a way to get back into is to do the Yes Man playthrough. Firstly I did the NCR playthrough, which I completed (although I saved before the last playthrough, I couldn't bare not to). I also like to the playthrough properly, i.e what a person in my position would do, so any tips for my second playthrough?

Firstly, 'doing' Yes Man may bring legal issues upon you, but each to his own.

A few cool tips, ever run into the prospectors den? It's a little off Goodsprings, near Sloan I think. Clear out the Viper's gang members, return withina few days and you'll find the place inhabeted with a dozen or so prospectors, and a trader, and it's a really cool homebase, identical to the NCR Ranger base.

Join the BOS. I have around 250 hours on one character, but only recently realised the T51-B model from Fallout 3 (Green one) features in New Vegas, go to thier safehouse and take it from a shelf. Very cool item to decorate your house.

Get 100 lockpick. For obvious reasons.

Take off Boones glasses and Beret. Just do it.

Those are a few cool things I just thought of that are pretty cool to do. Don't know if you wanted anything major though. enjoy anyway
Thanks, I appreciate the homebase tip the most, I like having a good base for unique weapons and stuff like that, and if it has merchants in it (like how lucky 38 has that computer that conveniently buys all of my crap) that means I can make money everytime I visit the base, thanks threepwood.
Little Robot said:
Stick with Arcade Gannon because the reward from his companion quest is awesome.

It looks horrible, imho. :P
The quest itself is nice, though.
Really? I think that it looks pretty good, especially compared to the transition from FO1/2 to FO3 PA design. Maybe a little less bulky but still pretty good imo.

And I also really liked [spoiler:54bdbb143c]getting help in the final battle. Those dudes were really cool and I especially liked having Cannibal Johnson following me.[/spoiler:54bdbb143c]
Little Robot said:
And I also really liked [spoiler:4141f1aa08]getting help in the final battle. Those dudes were really cool and I especially liked having Cannibal Johnson following me.[/spoiler:4141f1aa08]

[spoiler:4141f1aa08]They all died in my playthrough thanks to the Boomers. Yes, the vertibird dropped right before the bomber was showed on the horizon. I kinda "wtf"-ed there, but I eventually wanted to finish the game. Odd enough, the endgame slideshow mentionend nothing of the destruction of the enclaves remants. :P[/spoiler:4141f1aa08]
Surf Solar said:
Little Robot said:
And I also really liked [spoiler:741037c2b4]getting help in the final battle. Those dudes were really cool and I especially liked having Cannibal Johnson following me.[/spoiler:741037c2b4]

[spoiler:741037c2b4]They all died in my playthrough thanks to the Boomers. Yes, the vertibird dropped right before the bomber was showed on the horizon. I kinda "wtf"-ed there, but I eventually wanted to finish the game. Odd enough, the endgame slideshow mentionend nothing of the destruction of the enclaves remants. :P[/spoiler:741037c2b4]

Aw, that's bogus. If you get a chance you should reload the save right before the "no turning back" point-- it's really cool to [spoiler:741037c2b4]take down the legion camp with Cannibal Johnson spraying minigun fire all over the place.[/spoiler:741037c2b4]
[spoiler:34d9a2aaeb]I never really liked the enclave at all, so they can rot in hell for what they've done. :P[/spoiler:34d9a2aaeb] Maybe I'll do what you said in my current playthrough, though highly doubt it as I will side with the legion this time around.
Yeah I have done his companion quest, I was thinking of doing it again, because without the NCR rangers and troopers backing me up I will need as much support as I can get. I was also thinking to avoid much of the fighting in the final battle (I was thinking of making this my hardcore playthrough) I might tag speech and put that up to 100 so I can squirm my way out of the major fights.
The first time I completed the game (Yesman path) I got Cannibal Jhonson to kill the Legate for me after I convinced him to do a one on one, that will teach him to be honorable in a war.
The second time for some weird reason the Remnants started to fight with the securitrons MK2 and got themselves killed, only Cannibal survived but he had this punny service rifle.
Also make sure to complete Arcade's Quest JUST before starting the battle, make it the last thing to do, because if you tell Arcade to stay in Freeside during the Battle he will just stop being a companion and he will dump all his inventory on you.