Academy Awards Nominations

The passion is up there for makeup.

And I do find it somewhat appropriate that neither Passion for Fahrenheit were nominated for Best Picture; they ducked alot of criticism that way from both sides of the religious debate. Neither should have been up there anyways, imo.

But in the end it is the Academy Awards, the biggest circle-jerk in Hollywood, so who really cares?

edit: need to remember to use spellcheck!
I've seen the following:

"Phantom of the Opera" - Not bad, offered some new stuff not shown in the musical.

"Troy" - Steaming mound of vomit.

"Finding Neverland" - Ok, I thought Johnny Depp did a good job, although I'm looking forward to Willy Wonka more.

"The Passion of the Christ" - Interesting presentation of Christ getting whacked. Bloody, but I hate any movie I have to read subtitles, and I'm no longer fluent in Aramaic, or at least Mel Gibson's version of it.

"The Village" - Waaay too predictable, so much of the town wasn't right, that I figured what was the ending about 1/3rd of the way through.

"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban" - Harry Potter film. Kids love Harry Potter. Didn't seem as tight as the first two films.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" - I hate Michael Moore, and it's selective editing style, so this is deservedly off the table in my books.
welsh said:
These in this morning-

I am surprised that the Passion isn't up there. Seems a bit hypocritical. Nor Fahrenheit 9/11.

Strange picks. Has anyone seen these films?

Any other films you think should be up there?

The Passion isn't up there as it is too politically loaded. That said, it's a steaming pile of catvomit anyway. Nothing but a bunch of violence vaguely related to Christ. Very bad flick.

9/11 can't be up there, it doesn't fit into any of the categories. Being Micheal Moore and seeing the criticism they got for dubbing his last piece of work a "documentary", they can't call it a documentary, but it's not a feature film either. Hey presto.

all I can say about that list is that it's another piece of evidence that we've had one of the saddest years in cinematic history...ok so I didn't see most of those films, they still smell like crap.

Looks like they'll pile a bunch on the Aviator. Big yawn.
Ok, here goes my quick in the box review of the few movies that I've actually seen.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind": was that Jim Carrey?

"Collateral": it's the kenetic energy that kills people, not the bullets

"The Passion of the Christ,": piece of shit, but if you ever decide to watch it, keep a close eye on Jesus' eyes when he dies, you'll be surprised

"Troy": meh, they overdid it with the "zing" sounds

"Super Size Me,": tell me something I don't know
"Troy" is nonsensical as well. With the actors they picked and with the styling jobs, I could believe that Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom's characters had more of a fighting gay love affair going on instead of fighting over Helen of Troy.

Passion of the Christ? A snuff film with little intelligent writing or purpose behind it. Charlton Heston should have gone to the opening and pistol-whipped Gibson for the wasted time and for ruining that movie genre. At least Ten Commandments had a lot more to it and a real message, rather than someone was beaten around a bit and finally nailed to the cross to die in a morbid guilt trip inspirational video (as if Catholicism didn't do this kind of thing on a regular basis...). Even I, not of any faith connected to the events depicted, can find some value in Ten Commandments. Christ's death really wasn't that different than most of the other heretics that were put to death for believing in something other than the local religion. Depicting that without the message behind Christ's purpose on Earth is just...stupid and pointless. If anyone thinks that method of execution was severe, maybe they should make a Tower of London documentary sometime. Or maybe some of the torture implements that Thomas de Torquemada used, causing more suffering to Jews than they ever did to Christ, if you want to follow the "whole herd gets the blame" game. Kind of like what some Fundie Christians did in using the video to berate Jews with. Some Fundie arguments dissolved after the Inquisitions were brought up. I only assume that the Southern school textbooks didn't cover that far back into Europe's history. :)

Speaking of no intelligent writing behind it, no list of questionable movies would be complete without AVP being there. It is good to see that someone likes it. :D
The Czech film "Horem pádem" wasn't nominated for the foreign Oscar.

That's good news. The film is shit.
Meh. I thought Passion was one of the better films on the Life of Christ sense the Gospel of Mark by that queer-marxist-atheist Italian director.

I'm just giddy that F-9/11 is'nt on there. May this be the end of that shit for brains proporgandist!
True, CCR. It was the height of hubris for Moore to think that his film could be nominated for Best Picture, and as such removing it from consideration for Best Documentary.

Too bad they don't have a category for Best Propaganda, he'd fit well there. Although the compentition wold certainly be steep.
Jebus, I think you have just been owned.

And what kind of bullshit nominations are these? I've never even heard of half of these movies. Why isn't Dawn of the Dead nominated in all categories? said:
hu·bris [...] also hy·bris (h-)


You stupid americans and your unability to pronounce ancient Greek correctly...


So they just add it to the dictionary...


Yeah well, my time WILL come!
Jebus said:
You stupid americans and your unability to pronounce ancient Greek correctly...

Uhm, actually, it's been a while, but isn't "hubris" closer to the original pronouncation of the Greek word than "hybris" is (though the spelling is better). I don't have my Greek dictionary handy so...

Ratty said:
Jebus, I think you have just been owned.

Again, note.
Ratty said:
And what kind of bullshit nominations are these? I've never even heard of half of these movies. Why isn't Dawn of the Dead nominated in all categories?

half of these movies haven't reached europe yet... :roll:

btw, DotD was pretty pale in comparison to the original triology, although pretty enjoyable.