Act of War: Direct Action


Still Mildly Glowing
I have mentioned this RTS before but I want to let everyone know that the website for the game is up and running, the URL is: Also, the demo will be released in about ten days. I hope this game gives a much needed boost to the modern RTS genre. I have a feeling this game will either outdo or give a much needed challenge to the EA Games team that is working on RA3 and the other new Command and Conquer game. The storyline is being worked on by Dale Brown a "14 times NY times best-selling author and expert on US military, global conflict and future military technology". I am hoping this game is going to be good. What do you guys think?
Yeah looks pretty cool. Might get too USA > Everyone though. I hope you can campaign the bad guys and put and end to teh States. Also, haven't we had enough with the "ragheads-with-AKs vs. US-with-patriotism" crap? Storyline aside, I like the graphics and the gameplay.
Um Baboon............... the US DOES > everyone else

EDIT: Ficking site uses flash, Itll e a bit before I can coment.
I agree with you Baboon. I guess living in the states we get so much of that crap shoved in our faces it becomes the norm. I am pretty sure the game will feature the ability to be more than one side though.

PsychoSniper said:
EDIT: Ficking site uses flash, Itll e a bit before I can coment.

What, are you on a 56K or something?
PsychoSniper said:
Um Baboon............... the US DOES > everyone else

One word: Iraq. Actually two: Vietnam, Iraq. Wait, no sorry, four: Vietnam, Iraq, Patriot act.

OH shit oh wait, I just remembered your jaw is bigger than your head. My apologies, Australopithecus Spamarensis Retardis Extremus, I know you're trying hard and doing your absolute best. After all, you can't help your skull only holds about 450 cm3 of something that can barely be referred to as brain matter.

Yes, get back to your fantasy world where the US has any future. Go play, while the adults stick to the more mature and complicated real world.


"DOES >" doesn't mean shit, go back to special aid school.

After looking through almost all of the screenshots I am a bit disappointed. I did not see any other HUD than the U.S.'s. I hope they add other sides than just the U.S.

Edit: Well I guess there are more factions than just the U.S. in multiplayer. said:
The single-player game will put you in the role of the "good guys" -- a coalition comprised of U.S. and European troops called Task Force Talon. Your enemy is The Consortium, which, apart from the fact that it is headed by high-powered energy company execs, remains sufficiently shadowy. It's clear, though, that they aren't playing around. One look at their diverse, powerful (albeit rag-tag) military force makes that fact immediately evident. You won't be able to play them in the single-player game, but when it gets down to multiplayer, all the factions become playable -- the "third" being the European arm of Task Force Talon, treated as a separate group for this purpose.
Dixie, try Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Why kill Americans when you can kill elves?
well, they dont look like you'd expect an elf to look ratty (even for a space elf :p)

but yeah, W40k:DoW is a fun RTS while it lasts...
Ratty said:
Dixie, try Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Why kill Americans when you can kill elves?

I have and I REALLY like it. It reminds me of Starcraft. Thanks for the suggestion though. That reminds me, I can use that game when I host my LAN party, thanks Ratty!
Welsh said:
PS- I believe you have been warned.
Methinks Baboon was out of line more than Psycho here. But that's just a humble opinion of a humble servant of our humble lord Iluvatar.

Pixie Dixie said:
I have and I REALLY like it. It reminds me of Starcraft. Thanks for the suggestion though. That reminds me, I can use that game when I host my LAN party, thanks Ratty!
No problem. And when you grow tired of it, get THE OPERATIONAL ART OF WAR. I have yet to meet a single person who managed to beat that game.
Ratty said:
Pixie Dixie said:
And when you grow tired of it, get THE OPERATIONAL ART OF WAR. I have yet to meet a single person who managed to beat that game.

It looks interesting. I might try it. I used to play a game titled Conflict for my old NES console, do you know of any other games like it (I do not know if The Operational Art of War is like it or not)?

Ratty said:
Pixie Dixie

FLIPPIN' SWEET! Wait, are you hitting on me by calling me cutsie names?
Mr. Jinx said:
It looks interesting. I might try it. I used to play a game titled Conflict for my old NES console, do you know of any other games like it (I do not know if The Operational Art of War is like it or not)?
I have no idea what Conflict is like. TOAW is an ultra-realistic turn-based strategy game. I will download it soon just so that I can say: "Hey people, I have the most difficult TBS ever created installed on my hard drive!"
You are welcome. The graphics were better than board games, in my opinion. Then again, I was never a board game type of kid.