Actually, Ausir was interviewed two times


But best title ever!
Ausir, honcho of the Vault and esteemed (and precise) member of the Fallout fan community has been interviewed not once but twice!

First interview is from the guys at Duck and Cover which also was the original host for the Vault:<blockquote>3. Did you play Fallout 3 at all? If you haven't then why not?

Yes, I did play it for a short while, but I did not finish it. I probably would have finished it if not for the fact that my computer back then wouldn’t run it, and I played it only a bit on a friend’s computer. I do have a computer that could run it now, but I don’t really feel much of an urge to.

4. Why did you start the Fallout Wiki originally?

The wiki’s original purpose was, to an extent, to continue the work started by Chris Avellone in his Fallout Bible – to document all information about the Fallout universe, partly for the players themselves, and partly with the hope that Bethesda would use it as a reference when creating new installments in the series, which would help ensure consistency with established canon. It was a pretty bold goal considering that we started with just a handful of articles. Surprisingly, it somehow managed to work. Funnily enough, I didn’t focus much on gameplay information and worked on documenting the lore initially, especially given that there had already existed extensive guides to all things Fallout 1 and 2 in that regard, like Per’s Nearly Ultimate Guides. However, especially with the release of Fallout 3, and mostly thanks to the contributions of other people, especially my co-admin Porter21, the wiki became the place to go for all gameplay info as well. </blockquote>And the second comes from<blockquote>"The Vault started to become more and more popular around a year before the release of Fallout 3," he said.

"Unfortunately, the popularity also led to hosting issues. Because the wiki was constantly being targeted for various exploits by spammers as well as other attackers, our original host told us to go elsewhere.

"We had an offer from Bethesda, who wanted to host us as the official Fallout 3 wiki, but while the offer was tempting, we decided that despite the benefits of such an arrangement, being independent from the publisher would serve the community more. Eventually we ended up hosted by Wikia."</blockquote>
Actually, Ausir has been interviewed more than twice depending on what time frame you're looking at.

[spoiler:c5121907d9]I'm keeping the dream alive, man![/spoiler:c5121907d9]
Actually, if you mean that Eurogamer interview, that one was posted way back already.
Actually, I know, Ausir. I just wanted to use "actually." Besides, you have been interviewed more than twice, even if the other one was already posted.
It's a big, and sometimes hard work.

Tip of the hat for you Ausir, and all the people who contribute in those vikias effort.
WorstUsernameEver said:
"We had an offer from Bethesda, who wanted to host us as the official Fallout 3 wiki, but while the offer was tempting, we decided that despite the benefits of such an arrangement, being independent from the publisher would serve the community more. Eventually we ended up hosted by Wikia."
I, for one, am glad that you made that decision and it was the right decision to make. If Bethesda want's to declare you the official wiki (which they unofficially have) then they should but it's better for objectivity for it to be independent.

Thanks for all of the work Ausir.