If someone doesn't like something that's that (their time, time money, their opinion). Enjoying something on its own merit can be difficult when there are so many things to compare something to... and if it's not near being as good as something you've played in the past, is that meant to be overlooked? Maybe if you've got money to burn. Or perhaps he's just finding another way of saying, 'if we wind up giving you a turd, shut up and like it.'
Though to be perfectly honest, while some may be overly critical, the opposite is true of the gaming press, anything with a bit of hype is great (9-10). He probably just gets grated when players call a spade a spade, when they said it was pure gold (e.g, Oblivion, the critics give it 94% on average, while players give it 76%, http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/elderscrolls4oblivion )
Though to be perfectly honest, while some may be overly critical, the opposite is true of the gaming press, anything with a bit of hype is great (9-10). He probably just gets grated when players call a spade a spade, when they said it was pure gold (e.g, Oblivion, the critics give it 94% on average, while players give it 76%, http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/elderscrolls4oblivion )