Adding New Critters

oh? is that how it was done. I never use flamers so I just figured they were not included in FOT.

But yes this is the process I used:

1) edit the jumpsuit flame attack (suffix KL) frm to have a series of BMP files with just the 'flame'

2) Extract the BMPs from the 'new' FOT models FRMs.

3) Paste the flame on the end of the models gun to look like a flamer.

4) Import the new BMPs into a FRM.

If you make all the BMPs the same size its fairly easy to make sure they are all alligned correctly. The interesting thing is that in the FO2 flamer attack, the flame casts a shadow :)
I made another script that tests ALL of the gun animations, so I can see which work with the critter pack bots and turrets (here is the msg file). This is pretty cool, there is lots of choice among weapons here. These seem to work:

Pacification Bot
- Minigun
- Avenger Minigun
- Vindicator Minigun
- Gatling Laser

- Bozar
- Light Support Weapon
- Plasma Rifle
- Turbo Plasma Rifle
- Laser Rifle
- YK428 Pulse Rifle
- M60

- Same as behemoth

Hover Robot
- No gun support
- Robo Melee weapon (electrical damage)

Security Robot
- Same as hover robot

Robotic Turret
- Same as pacification bot

Generic Turret
- Dual Plasma Cannon
- PK12 Gauss Pistol
- YK32 Pulse Pistol
- Laser Pistol
- Magneto Laser Pistol
- Plasma Pistol
- Alien Laser Pistol
- Solar Scorcher
- 10mm Pistol
- Desert Eagle
- 44 Magnum
- 9mm Mauser
- Needler
- Phazer (hey cool!) < - no item pic but works on the turret
- Zip Gun (hey cool!) <- no item pic but works on the turret
(14mm and .223 pistols don't work)

Tribal Turret
- Same as generic turret

Pop-Up Turrent
- Same as generic turret

There is a dual mingun in the inventory list for turrets. It actually works with the pacification bot, but this bot only has one gun, so I won't use it on this one. If I put it in the behemoth's weapon slot, he chooses to stomp me to death instead :lol:

There is also a dual plasma cannon for turrets. If I put it in the behemoths weapon slot, the behemoth disappears from the map! However, it works on the generic turret (cool). It should also work on the tribal and pop-up turrets then. But if I equip the dual minigun on the turret, the turret also disappears from the map.

And this is cool ... the "robo melee weapon" from the floating eye bot (does electrical damage) works with the hover bot and security bot (good thing because they can't use guns). A level one character will be promptly electrified to death ....

And zip gun and phazer work on turrets. Anyone know anything about these? I don't recall seeing them in the game ....

Note: I don't know how to equip and fire (or animate) the dual minigun, dual plasma cannon, or robo melee weapon in a script the way I can with all other weapons. The only way I am ware of to make these work is to edit the critter in the mapper proto editor, select "add to inventory" and select the weapon, then select "view inventory" and place the weapon in the critter's weapon slot. Then when he is attacked (or made to attack via script) he will use that weapon.
The cyborg should have a missile luancher attack as well? Maybe I didnt use that one? I think it also had three hand to hand atacks so I made the claw attack a knife attack.

The secuirty bot should have the option to fire a laser? I'll check that out now.

I might have forgot those frames some how?
Yes! The cyborg shoots rockets out of his arm! It didn't work in my script but works if I equip it manually in the mapper proto editor. If I equip a laser pistol or rifle on the security bot, he disappears from the map.

FoT is not for me but ... these models are! Thanks for putting this critter pack together. I'll make a critter pack DAT with protos and scripts. I need to do some research on what stats all of these critters should have.

For the turrets, I can probably make them "track you" like those shi guards (point their guns at you wherever you move). Also, I have plans to make robotic voices using IBM viavoice text-to-speech and record them into ACMs. The turrets can track and warn you ... report to the guard tower or die ...
One other strange thing ... the fire_dance death type, which is the BN suffix ... if I copy any of the other death types (pacification bot) to the BN name, they don't animate when I do ANIM_fire_dance. It looks like a still image. I checked the HMJMPS and the fire_dance is the ONLY death that is a single FRM, not a series of FR#. So I wonder, perhaps if I combine one of the death types into FRM, maybe it will work. But how do I do that? Is there a quick way to try this? Does one of the FRM tools allow me to stuff the 6 FR# files into an FRM?

EDIT: What I suspected seems to be true. The BN sequence (fire dance) will not animate in the game if it is 6 separate FR# files. But if I concatenate the MAPACIBN.fr0 ... MAPACIBN.fr5 into one file MAPACIBN.frm, the fire dance animation works. I used frmcat for this. Not sure why it doesn't work as separate files, but looking at the HMJPMS death animations, all of them are single frame FRMs except for this one, the fire dance is a single multi-frame FRM.

So it appears that the BN sequence (fire dance) needs to be concatenated into one file for all of the critters .....
Yeah the security bot had either a 9mm smg weapon or a lazer weapon. The real annoying thing about the pacification bot (for me atleast) was it's stun attack was a bit useless. It tended to hurt itself as much as my squad. Though in the end movie there's a pacification bot shown firing twin rockets which would of been better (you can get it to fire a single rocket in FOT but it looks naff).

Also from watching the end movie the load lifter robot's shoulder attachment wasn't a camera but a shoulder mounted lazer cannon (a rip off from Predator?) which would of made it a lot more effective as an opponent. Pity they didn't include that in the game.
You can use Frame Animator to combine the FRx files into a single FRM file.

I wonder if I could edit the frames to make the sholder camera look like a laser firing?
There seems to be an error in the critters.lst that is included in the critter packs.
Its the 3 brotherhood figures:


The FRMs are named nmboh1, nmboh2, nmboh3.
I found this error while fixing the ARTFID.H (will post that fix later).
With the incorrect nmbos# name in critters.list, a script call to
art_change_fid_num makes the object disappear ....
All of the other critter FRMs work with this function.

I think some of these critters should use their own line number rather than the 11 default also.
I think only humanoids should default to the 11 number. I will find out soon because I'm running
my animation test scripts on all the critter pack FRMs.
opps :)

Yes, I should probably get around to making a new critters.lst file to use with them. All of the critters I made include a copy of their own target grid so the number should probably be set to use their own.
Here's a pic of the new critter lineup:


Spider was just added. Thanks to qwerty for sending it my way.
I have protos and animations for more critters but the above are
the ones that will be in first rev of FO2XP mod.
I'm not to keen on the robots from FOT, but the others look ok. Real good work guys!
The robot spider (scurry bot) also has soem animations for it tuneling into/out of the ground that I never bothered to do. I were sure on how to use them to be honest :) But they be be usefull for you.

I though you had included the Wasp in the initial version as well? It would be good if you could because that wasy all the new insects/bugs would eb included.

I havent got a target grid for the spider yet either, it is currently using the roach grid until someone makes me one.
Wild_qwerty said:
The robot spider (scurry bot) also has soem animations for it tuneling into/out of the ground that I never bothered to do. I were sure on how to use them to be honest :) But they be be usefull for you.

Cool! This can be easily scripted. The first animation can be played with reg_anim_animate and then a scurry bot can be created on that tile with create_object_sid. A bunch of them could randomly burrow out of the ground.

Wild_qwerty said:
I though you had included the Wasp in the initial version as well? It would be good if you could because that wasy all the new insects/bugs would eb included.

Yeah I forgot to include the wasp and the hover bot in the pic, they are in the mod. Wasps are buzzing around the den and most other cities, and are in some random encounters. They use the FoT flying and attack sounds.
One thought, have you guys checked the Arcanum game for new critters? I believe the Arcanum engine is very similar to Fallout's engine and thus one can "steal" critters from that game.
Wow, nice work on the spider Qwerty; would be perfect for an aussie fallout mod as a giant redback.:ok:

Btw, does anyone know of a game that has snakes?
BG2 has a giant snake, but due to teh big size (it will take up multiple hexes) it might cause weird clipping problems, so I havent bothered to try that one.

I dont have a copy of Arcanium sorry :(

Diablo 2 has some cool 'Sand Beatles'

I'm sure Icewind Dale has some giant beatles too actaully :)