Addon for FO4 But not sure if it's possible.

Trash of the Den

Jet Dealer
Hi there I've been kind of an onlooker of this site for about 8 years and was wondering if there is any fellow developers, game designers, modders, or artists on this forum who could fill me in on their ideas and maybe what they think. I came here because it seems a lot of people on this site seem to be quite mature and very knowledgeable of the inner workings of this franchise. The people of this forum I really like because you all have such great idea's and interesting opinions.

As much as I was happy and somewhat disappointed with FO4 I want to make a huge overall to the game. An over hall I think a lot of the older fans of fallout would enjoy. I know I have the time and effort too do it because I used to work on Endless Ages as a character modeler, texture artist and scene artist for the game back in the day. (It was a MMORPG)

What I want too do is bring back the old perk system, more perks, skills, karma, and factions. I also wanted to make it so water, drinks, soda, sleep, and food would play a part in survival, just like New Vegas. In my opinion the world needs to open up more to players so every house and apartment in the game is accessible and salvageable. Meanwhile making the map much larger as I feel it's very small. While I do believe the developers are very experienced and talented. I could see parts of the game were the world artists, and texture artists were just down right lazy and obviously done things up fast to get the game done so they could release it as fast as possible, maybe too fast.

I wanted to allow players to be able to actually be a part of the raider faction as well. While removing the outposts mechanic were normally in the game you are continually building other settlements, instead with this the player can focus on just building one settlement and being able to focus more on there own house and small community. The new modified creation engine has not been released yet for FO4 if it would still be possible. I have a bad feeling they removed a lot of features with the utility. Perhaps it would require some coding? I don't know.

Anyways thank you for reading and I would love to hear your ideas, criticisms and suggestions.

Much love from Canada
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I don't have much feedback because I don't own fallout 4 and I probably never will, but adding essential needs and depth of perks/traits/skill checks to the vanilla game would only expand its accessibility. I would assume from my extremely minimal understanding of programming that script extenders could be used to add in any features that the engine doesn't natively support. I think you're giving Bethout way too much credit though, you know despite whatever they prspeak, it's going to be the exact same engine as 3 and will require very minimal adapting to the already massive network of support for 3/new vegas mods.

Whatever you end up deciding to work on, make sure you include a Hypoman character and that you can choose to "bust" him with a rocket launcher.
I don't have much feedback because I don't own fallout 4 and I probably never will, but adding essential needs and depth of perks/traits/skill checks to the vanilla game would only expand its accessibility. I would assume from my extremely minimal understanding of programming that script extenders could be used to add in any features that the engine doesn't natively support. I think you're giving Bethout way too much credit though, you know despite whatever they prspeak, it's going to be the exact same engine as 3 and will require very minimal adapting to the already massive network of support for 3/new vegas mods.

Whatever you end up deciding to work on, make sure you include a Hypoman character and that you can choose to "bust" him with a rocket launcher.

Thank you so much for your feedback my friend. Yes you are probably right. I'm definitely giving Bethesda way too much credit. I'll have to look into script extenders. I don't know why I said as much as I was happy with Fo4, because I actually find the game incredibly boring and bland. I think maybe it was because I didn't want to upset any Fo4 Fanboys because you know how grumpy pants they get. :ok:

Thanks again for your feedback. I definitely will be adding in a Dr. Spike Rush to the game along a whole list of other npcs with better/longer dialogue.

Oh if only... I mean we can wish for all of that, but thats just wish fullfillment. I have been around Nexus(as both a mod developer and a user) long enough to loose my hope in such projects. All the way from Oblivion to Fallout 3 to New Vegas to Skyrim. Projects that vast usually freeze mid development, just ask Project Brazil. Although I heard they should be releasing the final part soon, considering they started all the way back in 2011.

Thats said, I dont want to discourage you. And Id love to see that get made.

Near a world builder, quest designer or a writer message me)

And good luck.

PS: Sorry if I was a bid morbid. Its just gives too much hope which I dont want to get crushed again.