Afterfall: tech demo is nigh

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This ghoul has seen it all
Afterfall is rolling into advanced stages of development:<blockquote>The tech-demo is nigh. It is time to summarise a few things. Today, we give you a short list of the most important features of Afterfall.

Afterfall (AF) is an innovative cRPG game, set in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Here is what you can expect:

* Create and develop a character, using possibilities not available in gaming up to now.
* An involving non-linear and plot-turn-rich story, where each choice will bear consequences.
* Hundreds of tasks to complete and a dozen of factions to join.
* A dynamic turn-based combat system (including the use of vehicles).
* Optional tactical and stealth action game elements.
* A system of random mutations, cybernetic implants and prosthetics.
* Graphics of superior quality and realistic physics, possible thanks to the Unigine® Engine.
* About 200 models of weapons and more than a thousand items, with an option to create and modify some of them.
* A large part of post-nuclear Europe to visit, inhabited by over 50 species of creatures and hundreds of NPCs leading their own lives.</blockquote>Link: Afterfall
Oh goodie, meaningless hype words.

Regardless, Afterfall should prove to be decent at least. Hopefully they'll get everything running soon, and with proper English.
I'm glad Afterfall is chugging along.

It looks so damn promising, but I'm trying to not hype myself up. :P

What does it mean to release a techdemo though? Is it for public use, or for publishers? What's it all about?
I have no idea, normally a "tech demo" is something you make to display the technical capabilities of the scripting you have completed on the game for the benefit of your publishers. It's a kind of pre-alpha stage, usually followed by an alpha demo for QA (with whatever timespan in between)

Dunno if that's what they mean
Techdemo is basically being made for potential investors.
But it appearance will also mean lots of in-game screenshots and new videos. At last including player character, a bit of action, interface and lots of details.
I despise hype. But in this case I imagine they need to to attract investors, who generally only understand flashy buzzwords.

In any case, nice to see it progressing.
If companies are willingly to release their works, I'm all for it. Tech demos, alphas, betas, demos. These things at least prove that the developers have something going on that they aren't ashamed of, something a lot less like Fallout 3.

Now the word "nigh". I don't know about that one. Specific dates are a lot cooler.

The game "Static" was supposed to be "nigh" to a newer alpha release or something, but instead slowly lost all of its power.
Sounds like hype.But like better hype than that around Fallout 3.So for now I’m buing it.
bdweller said:
Could someone explain to me what the word 'nigh' means?

nigh /naɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nahy] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adverb, adjective, nigh·er, nigh·est, preposition, verb
1. near in space, time, or relation: The time draws nigh.
2. nearly; almost; (often fol. by on or onto): nigh onto twenty years.
3. near; approaching: Evening is nigh.
4. short or direct: to take the nighest route.
5. (of an animal or vehicle) being on the left side: to be astride the nigh horse.
6. Archaic. parsimonious; stingy.
7. near.
–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
8. Archaic. to approach.
The game and idea of it look great. I can't wait till you guys find an investor, I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Been away for one week and just got back after lots of sun in croatia and then i see this in the end of a long news list.

Great news!

Hope we get to see some nice videos soon :ok: