Hi everybody, first time i'm here even if i played
fallout 1 & 2 during about 500 hours each ! And I didn't know this site ...
So, here's my idea : reading the flame war about turn based/real time, i remembered of a game i played and which solved the problem : Xcom Apocalypse in which you can choose before each mission if you want to play RT or TB.
The system was really well balanced (for example, you could guard a door, even in TB, as the enemy turn could be interrupted on a success on an initiative test...). I think it would be a good system for Fallout 3 (as i'm a fan of TB games).
But this is not the main thing, I hope the versions other than US of F3 will have a better support : i'm french and french version is really a crap : tons of unique bugs, dialogs messed up, children removal, etc... So for me THIS is the important thing...
Sorry for being so long, if you reply me, please E-mail as well as i can't come back very often.
fallout 1 & 2 during about 500 hours each ! And I didn't know this site ...

So, here's my idea : reading the flame war about turn based/real time, i remembered of a game i played and which solved the problem : Xcom Apocalypse in which you can choose before each mission if you want to play RT or TB.
The system was really well balanced (for example, you could guard a door, even in TB, as the enemy turn could be interrupted on a success on an initiative test...). I think it would be a good system for Fallout 3 (as i'm a fan of TB games).
But this is not the main thing, I hope the versions other than US of F3 will have a better support : i'm french and french version is really a crap : tons of unique bugs, dialogs messed up, children removal, etc... So for me THIS is the important thing...
Sorry for being so long, if you reply me, please E-mail as well as i can't come back very often.