Airbus A380

It's silly, that project is killing the aerospace industry in Europe, bit by bit, slowly and annoyingly.
one huge moneysink, simply initiated to keep up with the competition.
was a stupid move. they've got too much riding on it now.

and plane travel = very bad for the environment btw. ;)
I like it.

Fallout Ranger said:
I like the 747, or the 777, which holds more passengers than the '47 anyway.

Bullshit. Unless you're talking about Ethiopian refugees stacked one onto another.
I herd you will be able to go out of your sit and go to the free shop and the bar inside the plane. Shame the passengers will probably have to take turns. :)
I dunno if it's killing the European aerospace industry or not, but I do know the next 9/11 is going to be a whole lot bigger.
We don't have 9/11's in Europe, silly. It's an American thing, like Carl's Jr.
Wooz said:
We don't have 9/11's in Europe, silly. It's an American thing, like Carl's Jr.

Only the Americans could produce something this disturbing...


and for profit too!
Bah, do we really need gigantic uberplanes anyways? Given erratic travel schedules, I doubt it'll save fuel by increasing passenger loads. Hell, I bet alot of times these fuckers will be flying with empty seats except during peak traffic seasons/locations.

What a waste.
Stupid waste of resources. Really, many smaller planes are fantastically more economical, both for consumer and for business. They can get to more airports, they cost less to run, they don't take as long to get back into the air. Only problem I can think of off the top of my head is crowding of these planes at an airport. Anyway, enough rant.
Erm. No.

Yes, it would be a waste to fly that in a Brussels-Amsterdam flight, but think about intercontinental lines.

More people in one plane = more money. It's that easy.
Lots of fuel... LOOOOTS of fuel. Perfect for throwing into things and making a big boom!
Wooz said:
We don't have 9/11's in Europe, silly. It's an American thing, like Carl's Jr.
we had 11-M instead.

but we were far less shocked & whatever obviously... weakspined muricans...
Ah-Teen said:
Lots of fuel... LOOOOTS of fuel. Perfect for throwing into things and making a big boom!
I agree. I think that landing such thing in a stadium would be pretty cool :) .

It reminds me of an amusing thing - on 10/9/2001 I was talking with my classmates about how cool it would be to make a catastrophe simulator.
It would be mainly about planes crashing into buildings, trains colliding, ships sinking, etc.
It would be cool :D .
But the most important part would be planes crashing into buildings.
And then...
Next day two planes crashed into buildings - does it count as life imitating art?
radnan said:
i agree .. they forgot to use comic sans tho

You have to remember that these people are being completely serious when they make things like that... and this


I just love how they put an expiry date on it when the War on Terror is supposed to be eternal.