Airbus A380

generalissimofurioso said:
radnan said:
i agree .. they forgot to use comic sans tho

You have to remember that these people are being completely serious when they make things like that... and this


I just love how they put an expiry date on it when the War on Terror is supposed to be eternal.

Well you see in 2050 there will be no more terrorists. Skynet will have effectively destroyed all but a small portion of humanity. Turning humanity into... TERRORISTS!!!!! *creepy music*
Damn, I was reading in a newspaper that with all that patriotic drama, they are completely neglecting living victims of 9/11 that received injuries or got a lung cancer during rescuing people.

They are spending millions of dollars on celebrations, while some of people who actually helped to rescue people from WTC, don't have money for therapy.
That's fucking sick :/ .
Wooz said:
We don't have 9/11's in Europe, silly. It's an American thing, like Carl's Jr.
We do have 9/11 in europe, but we use it for different celebrating my birthday! Damn one year closer to death....

Is it just me or are those flags going to try and get in the way of the terrorists so 9/11 doesn't happen again?
Duckman said:

Is it just me or are those flags going to try and get in the way of the terrorists so 9/11 doesn't happen again?

I can imagine what sorts of accidents those things could cause...

Co-Pilot: Oh no! The plane's been hit by lightning! We've lost all flight instruments!

Pilot: Don't worry, I've got 10 years of experience flying planes, we'll just land over there on that giant red and blue airstrip.

Co-Pilot: That's just a flag!
