Airsoft minigun!

One could have unbspeakable fun, but I am sure some kid is going to abuse it and the minigun will be taken off the market till China decides to invades.
Ahh but of course some dumbass kid will abuse it, and then parents will scream about how the toy somehow "possed" their innocent little child to take something fun and make it deadly. lawsuits will rise and finally it will be banned for sale in california.
i prefer a sniper rifle that can shoot 1.5 Km. At least i don't get shot back :wink:
What the hell kind of kid has US$5300 kicking around to spend on a freakin' minigun? Shit, what adult has it! Although, if I DID have it... heh. heh. heh.... Oddly enough the only laws in my area about BB guns are that you cannot shoot them across ways, roads, or right-of-ways. LOVE to have one of those. Another local legal nicety is that we have the national high lottery payout... Hmm...

But seriously I doubt anyone will do something profoundly stupid with it; anyone with the money to blow on it would've already had a BB gun/paintball gun/airsoft gun or something else to cause devastation with. It's not a new category, simply the penultimate in an existing one.

Cool video.
And if anyone remembers that lame-ass homemade battlemech that the Japanese dude cooked up; I think one of these would go a long way toward making it cool...