What the hell kind of kid has US$5300 kicking around to spend on a freakin' minigun? Shit, what adult has it! Although, if I DID have it... heh. heh. heh.... Oddly enough the only laws in my area about BB guns are that you cannot shoot them across ways, roads, or right-of-ways. LOVE to have one of those. Another local legal nicety is that we have the national high lottery payout... Hmm...
But seriously I doubt anyone will do something profoundly stupid with it; anyone with the money to blow on it would've already had a BB gun/paintball gun/airsoft gun or something else to cause devastation with. It's not a new category, simply the penultimate in an existing one.
Cool video.
And if anyone remembers that lame-ass homemade battlemech that the Japanese dude cooked up; I think one of these would go a long way toward making it cool...