Todd Howard's #1 Fan
First time out of the vault

So we all know extraterrestrial life plays a crucial role in the Fallout franchise. In FO 1-3 there are three to four distinct encounters where you could acquire the alien blaster (two of which you actually see an alien + spaceship). The Mothership Zeta DLC answers some question, but raises others. In Mothership Zeta we discover most aliens are quite hostile and run genetic experiments on abductees. We also discover in record log 17 the aliens used mind control to initiate the great war.
So all this begs the questions: Why would alien lifeforms devastate Earth BEFORE draining it of resources? Maybe they're still in the process of extracting resources? Experimenting on humanity's survival perhaps? How many alien ships orbit the planet now that 2 have been dealt with?
Hopefully NV will tie any loose ends regarding aliens.
So all this begs the questions: Why would alien lifeforms devastate Earth BEFORE draining it of resources? Maybe they're still in the process of extracting resources? Experimenting on humanity's survival perhaps? How many alien ships orbit the planet now that 2 have been dealt with?
Hopefully NV will tie any loose ends regarding aliens.