certainly thou, most claims about Aliens are stupid. I mean, I believe in aliens...but most of people just talk shit.

claiming that strange lights in sky is a UFO is one of them.
It's kind of silly how UFOs have become a synonym for flying saucers. UFO means unidentified flying object. So technically, classified military planes, errant passenger jets, or even weather balloons or kites (depending on your definition of flying) can be UFOs. But it is a common mistake. I know that I sometimes say UFOs when I should say alien spacecraft.

As far aliens proving there is no God, that is ridiculous. If you are a rationalist who believes in evolution than you would see belief in God is an evolutionary adaptation that probably help instill a sense of morality, group cohesion, and sanity to early humans living in a brutal world. You would think that aliens also believing in God would be a distinct possibility. Of course, if you are a Christian or Muslim then as soon as the aliens arrive you will quickly try to convert them to your faith as they are also part of God's creation.

Regarding this "proof" I had to wonder how someone could shoot video of this for 20 minutes and not get a tripod. Why is it so shaky? Unless I hear of a village full of witnesses I will chalk this one up as a hoax. The lighting on it looks a little too clear for me, which makes me think it's a model that they lit up on a balloon or something. It's probably too slow moving for anything military.
I will only believe that aliens genuinely went though here after we managed to take down one of their aircraft and savage the technology.

I believe aliens exist in the universe, but I doubt they would have contact with us before, say, year 3000. Unless they have some way to travel though space very quickly - Warp Drive, Hyperdrive, Hyperspace Jumps, Dimensional Translocation, Time Travel, something like that. If they exist, the day the world found out about them, it would be pure chaos.
iridium_ionizer said:
It's kind of silly how UFOs have become a synonym for flying saucers. UFO means unidentified flying object. So technically, classified military planes, errant passenger jets, or even weather balloons or kites (depending on your definition of flying) can be UFOs. But it is a common mistake. I know that I sometimes say UFOs when I should say alien spacecraft.

it's even worse here in Sweden. people use "UFO" instead of alien. so if someone were to say they saw a gray (or any other kind of alien) they could very well say "I saw a UFO". that has in turn become something you call people you think are strange/weird, like "damn, he's such a UFO". I know, stupidity in it's rarest form.
Goiung along with Aenemic, Thw word Ailien is also misconstrude. The word simply means Foreign. But so many people immediately think Extra Terestrial when they hear it...
Slaughter Manslaught said:
I will only believe that aliens genuinely went though here after we managed to take down one of their aircraft and savage the technology.
And therein lies the problem, most people that believe that E.T.s have already visited earth believe that every single government in the world would engage in a cover-up so vast that no shred of solid evidence would ever come to light. Nevermind that if E.T.s were really visiting all the time without constantly using cloaking devices, then you would need to silence (by payoff, blackmail, or murder) so many military and government employees (not to mention civilian pilots and air traffic controllers that the conspiracy would be impossible to maintain. Remember the old adage "Two people can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."

Regarding shooting E.T. spacecraft down, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if most powerful countries already have a military protocol for encountering E.T. spacecraft. The rules probably go something like: Do not engage, just keep observing until space craft leaves, do not make radio contact, but scan all channels for signals from them. Why wouldn't we engage? Because attacking a species that has mastered interstellar travel would be planetary suicide. Of course the real danger is that either the U.S., China, or Russia sees an E.T. spacecraft and thinks it's one of the other's brand new exotic spy planes and shoots it down. Then nothing happens for 30 years until their armada arrives to put us down.

Slaughter Manslaught said:
I believe aliens exist in the universe, but I doubt they would have contact with us before, say, year 3000. Unless they have some way to travel though space very quickly - Warp Drive, Hyperdrive, Hyperspace Jumps, Dimensional Translocation, Time Travel, something like that. If they exist, the day the world found out about them, it would be pure chaos.
But E.T. civilizations don't need hyperdrives to work or to contact us. They just need patience. What aliens would probably really do is just send out robotic observer probes to all of their nearby solar systems that could possibly harbor life. The probes analyze chemical compositions of the planets using spectral analysis of the atmospheres and radio back the results to their home planet - with oxygen likely signifying that life had arisen. Over possibly millions of years the probes keep searching radio channels until they find that the life on the planet has begun using radio communication. Then they wait for nuclear blasts - if nuclear testing has taken place, but enough time has passed since then without an all-out nuclear war (possibly hundreds of years), then this information would be evaluated by the home planet and only then would they make contact.

Why would they make themselves known to a civilization that cannot even make peace among themselves? Then a long-distance relationship would form between Earth and the other civilization, with radio transmissions having at least a 5 year lag (or more if they are farther away). So it would take 10 years (round trip) for a question that we sent to be answered by them, but we could be getting answers to our old questions all the time.
iridium_ionizer said:
It's kind of silly how UFOs have become a synonym for flying saucers. UFO means unidentified flying object. So technically, classified military planes, errant passenger jets, or even weather balloons or kites (depending on your definition of flying) can be UFOs. But it is a common mistake. I know that I sometimes say UFOs when I should say alien spacecraft.

As far aliens proving there is no God, that is ridiculous. If you are a rationalist who believes in evolution than you would see belief in God is an evolutionary adaptation that probably help instill a sense of morality, group cohesion, and sanity to early humans living in a brutal world. You would think that aliens also believing in God would be a distinct possibility. Of course, if you are a Christian or Muslim then as soon as the aliens arrive you will quickly try to convert them to your faith as they are also part of God's creation

Nailed it. Excelent post. :clap:

Slaughter Manslaught said:
I will only believe that aliens genuinely went though here after we managed to take down one of their aircraft and savage the technology.

I think it happened already, in secrecy. Governmentss will never open such info, at least not until we get fully out there. Even if it still didn't happen, the moment it happens (when and if it does), they will keep it secret.

Slaughter Manslaught said:
I believe aliens exist in the universe, but I doubt they would have contact with us before, say, year 3000. Unless they have some way to travel though space very quickly - Warp Drive, Hyperdrive, Hyperspace Jumps, Dimensional Translocation, Time Travel, something like that. If they exist, the day the world found out about them, it would be pure chaos.

The thing about years 3000 is non-sense, nothing prevents another civilization from being WAY less advanced or WAY more advanced. They could have all the stuff you said to let them come now. The part about chaos is very true, thought - unless the governments slowly release info, like England, Chile and France are doing right now.

iridium_ionizer said:
And therein lies the problem, most people that believe that E.T.s have already visited earth believe that every single government in the world would engage in a cover-up so vast that no shred of solid evidence would ever come to light. Nevermind that if E.T.s were really visiting all the time without constantly using cloaking devices, then you would need to silence (by payoff, blackmail, or murder) so many military and government employees (not to mention civilian pilots and air traffic controllers that the conspiracy would be impossible to maintain. Remember the old adage "Two people can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."

Very true, a solid coverage is impossible. So impossible that UFO sightings happen all the time; some may be aliens, some may not. But the governments do know a thing or two, and always deny that. I don't blame them, and even agree with the procedure, for lack of space control + lack of knowledge = chaos and panic amongst society. This kinda info has to be released on a need to know basis, and after that, to ufologists and scientists, etc.

Just after there's some form of "there's something happening and some people know it" in the air, with rumors running around the world, can the governments slowly release info to the public. What can't happen is everlasting denial of facts, for nothing can be kept secret forever.

Again, my opinion is that there is no HUGE cover of the matter, but official denial from the govs when asked. Fair enough, as long as it isn't forever.