All ATI products are worthless garbage!

so many links? lol 4 of em :p

so impressionable those kids today...

well, if you'd say where you're from, it would help a lot... ;)
i pegged you for being a yank.
Hehe, you ain't the first one. I live in Sweden. Found a 6600GT AGP for around $300 in an online computer store. XFX is making it though, I've never heard of them. Are they trustworthy? I don't wanna buy crap;

XFX GeForce 6600GT 128MB GDDR3 AGP, Tv-Out, Dual-DVI, Retail
XFX hasn't been entirely trustworthy in the past to be entirely honnest. they cut a few corners & reconfigured a couple of products without advertising the changes. the latest run-in the hardware enthousiast community had with them was with their FX5900XT.

now however, with all newer version cards i have yet to hear a single complaint.

btw if you're from Sweden you can easily buy in Germany (which is to my knowledge the cheapest hardware country in Europe). prices there atm go from 220 to 240 euros i believe. (possibly the price will still drop a bit when the card is better available).

PS: the most trustworthy hardware company in the world is probably Albatron.
Meh. I'd really like to have the card for christmas, so I'm probably going to have to take the risk and buy XFX. Adding the shipping costs to buying it in Germany will result in a more expensive purchase than buying it in Sweden. According to tests and forums, XFX doesn't seem to have fucked up with this one.
*Seconds the 6600GT*

Wit hregard to the 9800Pro/9700Pro:

On this, like almost all other cards, is not really affected by memory capacity. The 9800Pro 128 is almost dead even with the 9800Pro 256. Yet, the 256 costs much more! Solution: don't buy the 256MB version