All my Fallout games (F1, F2, FOT) can't run


I should set a cutom tite
I have a problem with my Fallout games:
My Fallout 1 (I have the UK version) used to run well. It's been some time since I last runned it, and my computed had some problems. Some time ago, I tried to run it, and then here's what happens:

At first, everything is okay - the intro things, which I skip by habit. Then, after skipping all of the intro stuff except the last one, the last one begins (Brian Fargo presents etc.) - and after I skip it (waiting it is not working), the last thing that was on the screen remains, but with messed up color. And when I use hotkeys to load my game or start a new one, that screen fades to black and reappears, every time I open a menu. I get out by Alt+F4/Esc. So, basically, my game is not working.

I reinstalled it, along with the 1.3.4 patch I used before this (I think this thread belongs here, anyway) - the same thing happens. Never reinstalled it again. Restart is not helping.

My Fallout 2 was OK, too. It had Last Hope mod on it. Until today (I uninstalled it), it used to blackout when I start it - Alt+F4 helps me quit. Today I uninstalled it and tried to install it again, but every time I launch the install setup, my whole screen goes blue - same happens with Fallout 1 installation, but for it, there was some other option (that doesn't requires going to full screen) I used. Now, I can't even install it.

I haven't played Fallout Tactics from like an year or two. Now, when I launch it, after I select "play fallout tactics" it simply blacks out - and when I use alt+tab, there is an "Error!" window with the Vault Boy on it, stating "C:\dev\phoenix\display\directx7\dd7_display.ccp(715): **fatal error**: Coult not create primary and back surfaces" - and after I click OK, a new window appears - "Runtime Error!

Program: D:\Games\Fallout Tactics\BOS.exe

abnormal program termination"
and all the Fallout windows disappear. I recently installed the latest DirectX, and this didn't fixed anything. All my other installed games (Heroes 3 WoG, Brood War and Plants vs. Zombies) are running. Any advices on fixing the fallouts?
With regards to Fallout tactics, you could have found the solution by looking in the tactics section. I had the same problem and fixed it by running it in a window. Look for the thread in the tactics section for a more full description on how to do it