Almost Alive - a mad post apocalyptic role playing, tactical, action game

Emir Cerimovic

First time out of the vault

Hey guys I'm making a fully hand drawn, isometric, role playing, tactical, action game set in a mad post apocalyptic universe. Watch the demo trailer!

You can also check Almost Alive site for more info!
If you like the project consider subscribing to the news letter! There is also more videos and a Patreon for my game. Any feedback is also more than welcome!
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You have to understand that i am working all alone on the game. Now the game is in stand by because I have to do all the marketing job to get people to support Almost Alive, gain visibility, etc.
So next steps will be giving demo to streamers, spreading the word about the game on forums and other places where some people might be interested.
If you have any adresses, any help is more than welcome!
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Its a full RPG with an intuitive real time combat system that is still very complexe. Using char stats and skills to know how much time you need to aim at full accuracy (perception + dexterity + skills + weapon), how good that accuracy is, how much time you need for a head shot, how good is your accuracy when moving and gunning, how much recoil you get on each shot (strength + weapon + skills related), using covers... etc etc etc... Those are just some examples. But yea it also had that diablo arcade feeling when you are in a middle of huge battles, it will even be better when swarm type ennemies a la zombie will make it into the game.


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Purchased this game on Steam.
Can confirm the following:
A+ Atmosphere
A+ Character Creation System
A+ Combat System
A+ Replayability
A+ Potential

This game feels like Fallout 1.
Keep in mind it is still in the very early stages.
Game World and Features are not all fully implemented yet.
With that being said...
Mr. Emir Cerimovic, you sir - are fucking legend.

Thank you very much for this enjoyable experience.
I am looking forward to the evolution of your dark manic creation.
Look fascinating, I would love to try it. I have a problem though. Is it only on steam? Will that change in the future? The game in itself don't require a internet connexion after the download right? On GOG I would be fine, but I will drop my pants for steam when, well never, over my dead body.