First time out of the vault

i have read all topics related to the Ultimate collection of Fallout (the one with all 3 games on the front), but could not find a direct andwer to my question.
what i would like to ask, that are the games in te ultimate collection box the very original releases?
i know that they are the european version, but i mean here the "original european" version - wihout the PDF manual on the game cd (not the bonus CD)
as i would consider into buying this package, because both of my fallout realeases are retail, but both of them are in dvd cases and FO2 disc doesnt even have any CD art (only big "sold out" letters), and it requires CD to be in the drive regardless of humongous installation (some SOLD OUT flash pops up for a few seconds after game start, and no CD image trick worked here)
also my FO1 cd has normal power armor art, but it has something like "dice computer games" pn the cd
and both FO`s have manual on the CD
so, to sum it up: if i want the very original releases of fallout 1/2/tactics, should i buy this set or it does not worth it?
thank you for your patience
...and never drink unwashed brahmin milk
what i would like to ask, that are the games in te ultimate collection box the very original releases?
i know that they are the european version, but i mean here the "original european" version - wihout the PDF manual on the game cd (not the bonus CD)
as i would consider into buying this package, because both of my fallout realeases are retail, but both of them are in dvd cases and FO2 disc doesnt even have any CD art (only big "sold out" letters), and it requires CD to be in the drive regardless of humongous installation (some SOLD OUT flash pops up for a few seconds after game start, and no CD image trick worked here)

also my FO1 cd has normal power armor art, but it has something like "dice computer games" pn the cd

and both FO`s have manual on the CD

so, to sum it up: if i want the very original releases of fallout 1/2/tactics, should i buy this set or it does not worth it?
thank you for your patience
...and never drink unwashed brahmin milk