Anandtech forum user purportedly has Fallout 3, answers Qs

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This is the internet so take this with a pinch of salt, but a forum user on Anandtech claims to have got Fallout 3 early - posting a photo of the game menu as proof. If you take his word for it, he's answering questions on the forum.<blockquote>Have you played the other Fallouts? If so, do you enjoy F3 in a similiar way as F1 or F2?

If you haven't played any of the other Fallouts, have you played a game you would deem similar to F3? Is it all mindless shooting, or does the game seem at least somewhat deep?

Unfortunately I haven't really played the old Fallouts (I know, I know). But I have seen them played a fair amount and I'm aware of the backstory etc.

The game is deep. This probably isn't news, but it's one of those games where every decision you make has a big affect on the rest of the game. It does a really good job at it though - you can make small decisions and have small changes in karma, and make large decisions like diffusing a still live atomic bomb, or detonating it and blowing up an entire city, etc.

I get pretty into games like this, so there is no mindless shooting for me. I have killed random wanderers, or even kind civilians on occasion, if they have something of high value that I want. I honestly feel bad afterwards.

Other people could have JUST as much fun killing everything in sight I'm sure... just not me.

It doesn't feel like a shoot 'em up though. You make choices very carefully, and they DO matter.

1. How much freedom do you really have to explore the world both at first and after you start to complete some of the quest line towards the beginning? Is it like Oblivion in the sense that the world is yours to do as you please or do they limit you some how?

1. Totally open space from what I have seen. It's just this huge world and the quests give you general direction, but you can really do what you want.

2. Talk to me about side quests a little bit. Are there lots and are they available throughout the game so far? Are they fun and how are the rewards?

2. There were a fair amount... not too many, but I think I missed a few. The game doesn't feel as linear as a lot of RPG's. My roommate and I both have been playing and we both have quests that the other didn't for one reason or another.

3. Talk to me about enemy level scaling. How does it work in Fallout 3 as opposed to Oblivion. Do you like it? Why or why not?

3. I honestly haven't played enough to get a good idea yet. I have spent SO much time talking/wandering/learning that I don't know.</blockquote>Link: I'm 10 hours into Fallout 3 on Anandtech.

Thanks Ausir.
Re: Anandtech forum user purportedly has Fallout 3, answers

Dude talks like a plant ("I didn't like Oblivion but I hate Fallout 3", "I don't usually replay games but I'll be replaying this one") and not saying anything new, just rehashing old PR lines.

Even his fellow forum users are calling him out for it.

This does not smell genuine.
I think that

a) The dude does have Fallout 3.
b) The dude is a close relative of someone who worked on Fallout 3.

The way he speaks is telling of a presence of a "see no evil" filter that is common for someone close to either the development process or to a developer involved.
Didn't even consider that. That might be it too.

There's always the outside chance he's for real and just loves Fallout 3. I don't find that hard to believe normally, but I do find it hard to buy with his choice of words.
Killzig found out that the guy lives in Kirkland, Washington, which is pretty much in the heart of Microsoft country. Maybe he's a relative of someone at MS Cert?
"The game is deep. This probably isn't news, but it's one of those games where every decision you make has a big affect on the rest of the game. It does a really good job at it though - you can make small decisions and have small changes in karma, and make large decisions like diffusing a still live atomic bomb, or detonating it and blowing up an entire city, etc."

That's where it hit me, I think.
didnt beth say that there were very very few things that affected the rest of the game to not limit the things you can do?
Wow, I never thought I'd see someone more wormy then Todd Howard when it comes to avoiding questions
If this game shows up in the usual channels for "preview editions" in the next few days, would that have an effect on the plant theory?

I kinda hope not, because that's such a delicious theory.
Bodybag said:
If this game shows up in the usual channels for "preview editions" in the next few days, would that have an effect on the plant theory?

How would that affect anything either way? He already asserted he's not in the industry, so he didn't get it through preview channels.
Rather than a plant, it could also be some random person claiming they've got the game. You know, just for the attention. It wouldn't be that hard to fabricate an answer to just about any Fallout 3 question. Especially considering the game isn't going to be out for about... 4 weeks now.
How would that affect anything either way? He already asserted he's not in the industry, so he didn't get it through preview channels.

A member of his family might be, though.
Brother None said:
Bodybag said:
If this game shows up in the usual channels for "preview editions" in the next few days, would that have an effect on the plant theory?

How would that affect anything either way? He already asserted he's not in the industry, so he didn't get it through preview channels.

So he's on the up and up, then?
Yes, I know. I'm just not getting how that question was supposed to be in response to my post, or what BB is trying to say.
We must uncover the truth!

Maybe he could post a video of himself playing Fallout?


There's a photo:


So... true, or Mad Photoshop Skillz?
Oh. Hmm.. well I can answer his question, although I think it's already been answered.

There's no way of knowing if anything the guy says is true, especially if he's of any relation to Todd Howard. :P

An interesting way of finding out, one way or the other, would be to ask him for an exact text description from an item in the game. Then at least on October 28th you'd know if he's working for Bethesda (and lying), telling the truth(but not knowing if he's an employee of BS or not), or lying about everything.

An alternative way of knowing would be if he has provided reliable information about games in the past before they were released. He looks like a forum newbie to me though.

Edit: In the picture I see a PC to the bottom right. Could easily be a real picture of a faked starting menu.
An interesting way of finding out, one way or the other, would be to ask him for an exact text description from an item in the game.

Items no longer seem to have text descriptions in the game.