Anarchy, philosophy, whatnot

Edge386 said:
i wanted to send you a PM because i knew in my heart you were sharing something profound with me. I felt it intensely, and made it obvious by exposing myself (with your help) as a blind fool. You had much credibility in your approach, and much discredibility which (now that i have had time to think about it some more) i was reflecting. I pointed the finger at you, essentially trying to debunk your character with credibility, much like you did for me. This in turn resulted in me pointing three more fingers back at myself. I held you in some regard as an enemy with whom i must challenge. But there is great benefit to having feelings toward someone as enemies. I believe the benefit is to learn about ourselves and evolve. Yes, i'm a very emotional person of which i am grateful for. Out of blind fear i had tried to deny this 'emo' side of myself by turning back from that argument and trying to pull you off your pedestal from which you presented it. In truth, i was only able to remove myself from the pedestal and further observe the situation.

Through this interaction with you, i have gained a nice bit of knowledge about myself. You reflected upon my actions which i could do nothing more than reflect upon your reflections. This sort of behavior seems to be a paradox of life. That essentially everything is just a reflection of a reflection, infinity.

Yes, i know i am getting into 'metaphysical bullshit' as someone had put it later in the thread, but i'm working on not limiting myself to only my own perspective. I believe there is eternal knowledge that we can achieve through interactions like this. To claim peace is the only way to live, may be true in another dimension, but i do not exist in that dimension and must come to terms with that.

What i am trying to say is, thank you for humbling me and kicking the pedestal from beneath my feet. Sure, it's somewhat painful, but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I'll sure think twice before trying to step up on a soap box and throw stones again. If i do, i hope someone like you comes along to bring me back to reality once more. I'm very serious about this.

You asked why i bothered stating my impatience to change the world. It was because i knew of my impatience, but i did not fully understand how rediculous and immature it made me behave. Without seemingly knowing, you assisted in my human development. It's all madness i say, but i wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks again Sander, for your participating in the argument. I hope in some way i have also helped you develope as a human, because, if we can't learn from each other, what is the point of interaction? I admit, i still have much to learn about myself. It's almost as if i must destroy my credibility so that i can start rebuilding it with better materials. Sort of like the human race seems to be destroying itself to rebuild itself.

I am sending this to you in PM because since you were the first to show, you should be the first to know. I will indeed make this statement in the thread, and i'm curious if i can use this PM as my public statement to you. I'm asking for your permission.

Take care.

Sander said:
Hey Chris,

Yeah, you have my permission to use this as your public statement.
My apologies if I seemed too harsh, though. Being cynical sometimes does that to a man. Heh.

Take care,


Atomic Cowboy,

Very strong feelings coming from you there. I know that your statement is at least %90 false. I am in no way someone who works to serve only myself and screw people over. Can we take this interaction between Sander and myself as a good starting point to continue intelligent and civilized conversation in this thread now that the shit flinging is out of the way?

Take care.
Hahaha. No, i'm a real deal, and your post:

The Overseer said:
I thought at first that this Edge386 guy was intelligent, and right about criticizing Israel, but he's just derailed into some methaphysical bullshit. Get a grip dude, sure there are things some people with power are up to, but don't go too far...

Struck hard to home. Thank you for your participation as well. ;)
Insane wanderer said:
Bradylama said:
It's convenient to criticize the Chinese for building their mega dam because people care more about some ugly as shit river dolphins than people.
Maybe they care about giving some meaning to their lives by accomplishing something rather than spend their time at the golf course complaining about taxes and immigrants.

Did I miss something here? Caring about dolphins = giving meaning to your life, and caring about people = playing golf? What?

Edge386 said:
I will indeed make this statement in the thread, and i'm curious if i can use this PM as my public statement to you. I'm asking for your permission.

Yet I fail to see where you asked permission to repost his PM. I don't know if Sander cares, but it's pretty bad netiquette.
EDIT: That was some real-time change...

Edge, why do you insist on pushing your views down our throats? Apart from Malky, nobody likes it, and it only amplifies your burns.
Yet interestingly, their mega-dam would seem better for the environment than continuing to use a shitload of oil for that energy. Heh.

The Chinese seem to be all about Coal these days.

Maybe they care about giving some meaning to their lives by accomplishing something rather than spend their time at the golf course complaining about taxes and immigrants.

How do they accomplish something complaining about river dolphins half a world away?

Also, I don't need golf, I can complain about taxes and immigrants on my own time tank U wery mock.
Two thoughts:

1. I'm curious as to the origin of this idea that man is somehow separate from nature. There is nothing that we can do that is not also found in other creatures, or that we can prove isn't found in other creatures.

Example Arguments:

"We build homes, shelter for ourselves with amenities."

There are numerous creatures who build shelters. Ants, spiders, beavers and birds are all prime examples. As for amenities, we know spiders build kinds of tools into their webs or other structures for a few reasons, chiefly food preparation.

"We are intelligent, and can hold meaningful debate and conversation."

Firstly, about 1 out of every hundred conversations i've experienced have actual meaning. Secondly, we know various other animals are capable of communication with each other, and dolphins, we know, have a good amount of intelligence as well. We cannot, at this point, possibly know all there is to know about creature communication. For all we know, ants could hold deep religious or philosophical conversations whilst building tunnels. When you think about it, it's kind of amazing how little we know in general.

Anyway, where was i... Ah yes, thoughts.

2. Jesus, this thread is like being 16 again... Edge, i've been like you. I've been exactly like you. Hell, i've made the same arguments as you. You're on the cusp of growing up (please, no one bring age into it, as age is a horrible measure of maturity). I say this, not to belittle you, but to make you think a little more than you have been. You're at a point most human beings rarely approach, in that you're getting ideas. Ideas are a wonderful thing, because they help shape us, help us grow as human beings.

There are two paths i can see from this point. One relies on the belief that ideas are absolute fact, truth, that they cannot be changed. They become belief, rather than ideas (comparisons to Dogma aside; they had a point). This is the path of the righteous close-minded, the "religious-nuts" and the like.

The second is a path where idea is moldable, changeable. It is a path where you accept that, sometimes, an idea you have is wrong. This path is chaotic sometimes, and unpredictable. The choice is up to you (hooray existentialism!).

Sermon over. Please donate to the Church of the Last Vestige.
X51 - Thank you for making an intelligent approach to an obvious problem of mine. I'm not the only one in this thread with that problem, but i feel like the only one admitting it to himself.

Mikael - Show me where on this second page am i forcing my view down peoples' throats? I did that on the first page, acknowledged it, and am changing that. I won't be so foolish to believe that i can change this immediately. Sharing and forcing are two different conscious measures. I feel like you are expressing intolerance for me in my entirety based on but a few facets of my persona.

Can we also not be so harsh please? I have at least toned down my ignorance a degree.
I'm being interpreted too literally. I was just voicing my dislike of the anti-environmentalist sentiments in this thread which somehow sprung out of a few casual remarks about the state of nature. If you're a philanthrope who devotes effort to helping your fellow man but isn't overly fond of the environment, that's good too.
Forcing by remaining ignorant of other people's arguments, outright attacking them in a separate thread and portraying your 'truth' as the only right one.

A change in behaviour may just be temporary, and does not constitute permanent change of personality.

Oh, and the 'cry' for neutrality in the above post. This forum is the LAST place to look for neutrality, as every mod here is a very opinionated person, accompanied by cynism.
X51 said:
Two thoughts:

1. I'm curious as to the origin of this idea that man is somehow separate from nature. There is nothing that we can do that is not also found in other creatures, or that we can prove isn't found in other creatures.

Example Arguments:

"We build homes, shelter for ourselves with amenities."

There are numerous creatures who build shelters. Ants, spiders, beavers and birds are all prime examples. As for amenities, we know spiders build kinds of tools into their webs or other structures for a few reasons, chiefly food preparation.

"We are intelligent, and can hold meaningful debate and conversation."

Firstly, about 1 out of every hundred conversations i've experienced have actual meaning. Secondly, we know various other animals are capable of communication with each other, and dolphins, we know, have a good amount of intelligence as well. We cannot, at this point, possibly know all there is to know about creature communication. For all we know, ants could hold deep religious or philosophical conversations whilst building tunnels. When you think about it, it's kind of amazing how little we know in general.

Anyway, where was i... Ah yes, thoughts.

2. Jesus, this thread is like being 16 again... Edge, i've been like you. I've been exactly like you. Hell, i've made the same arguments as you. You're on the cusp of growing up (please, no one bring age into it, as age is a horrible measure of maturity). I say this, not to belittle you, but to make you think a little more than you have been. You're at a point most human beings rarely approach, in that you're getting ideas. Ideas are a wonderful thing, because they help shape us, help us grow as human beings.

There are two paths i can see from this point. One relies on the belief that ideas are absolute fact, truth, that they cannot be changed. They become belief, rather than ideas (comparisons to Dogma aside; they had a point). This is the path of the righteous close-minded, the "religious-nuts" and the like.

The second is a path where idea is moldable, changeable. It is a path where you accept that, sometimes, an idea you have is wrong. This path is chaotic sometimes, and unpredictable. The choice is up to you (hooray existentialism!).

Sermon over. Please donate to the Church of the Last Vestige.

Do I detect a nietzsche fan? :)
Traejan said:
Do I detect a nietzsche fan? :)

No. I've never read Nietzsche, and i don't care to claim that god is dead :D

I'm more of an existentialist.