And you think you've got problems...

Pretty funny, but a lot of them fall into the "obvious lies" category, and others are just too smartly phrased. Then again maybe there's lots and lots of twisted and manic people who like to confess on the net. I like this one: "I like pills. I like to take random pills just to experience the effect. They don't have to be narcotics. Just any pills." Maybe they should play a chem junkie in Fallout...
"Hi, my name is Rebel and my web page is probably the worst piece of shit that ever came across the internet. I experience sexual arousement while watching cute fluffy anime cartoons. Cybar?"
My penis is so big, sex is more trouble than it's worth. (or something like that)

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! OMG UR SOOO TEH FUNNEY!

I'm pretty sure that his penis size is a factor, but not because it's too big.
It seems you are enjoying this, that's good :D

Of course that 50% of the confessions are lies but it's still funny.

Take this for example:"I play The Sims Online, and I enjoy it."
What the f**k?!
:D :D :D
Im sure a lot of people here could go there and make quite some astounding confessions.

For example: "I've shat four different colors!"

The Vault Dweller
Hehe.. It's so nice to read people's confessions and fuckups. This is just like reading my sisters diary.

Ahh.. Good times.
Ratty said:
Dammit, you found my secret blog!

So you're the one who admits to being a virgin at 21, and then at 23, and then at 27, and then at 27 again, and then at 19, and then at 35? Gods, man.
:P :P :P

Edit: You know what's really funny? You will never know if someone related to you made confessions on this site. Haha, lucky me I've just broke up with my girlfriend.
i am supposed to be tidying my room but am instead letting mould grow on my plates while i surf the internet and listen to loud music. the people in my block dont even know me. i fear that i am getting quite antisocial, and need some good friends, but i cant be bothered to go out and get some. im hungry too, but there is no food because that would require me going to the shops and getting out of the house.

Odd, I can't remember writing that.