Another Age of Decadence Interview


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
the random Gnomes' random Lair has just published an interview with Vince D. Weller, from Iron Tower Studio, responsible for the upcoming Age of Decadence. Unlike the last one, this interview is more focused on the game itself. Here’s a snipped:<blockquote>3. Any idea when we should expect to play it? Will it be a download-only title?

Sometime this year. We'll offer both download-only digital copies and professionally done boxed copies with a full color manual, a map, and a jewel-case CD. We've received quite a few publishing offers, but it's too early to tell.


7. Will there be dialog? Puzzles? Moral Choices? Naked goblins?

We've spent all our money on dialogues and choices, so we had to skip puzzles and goblins completely. Even though they look kinda hot naked.

Overall, dialogues and choices are the main aspect of the game and the main attraction. We have seven different endings and only two involve mortal combat. You'll be able to talk your way in and out of trouble, make allies and enemies (there are no default good and bad guys), and handle quests in non-combat ways using dialogues and text adventure elements.</blockquote>You can read the rest here.

As an endnote, I’d like to bring to your attention the latest updates in Age of Decadence’s forum, specifically a new location, The Slums and a thread dedicated to weaponry. There’s lots of other stuff too, if you’re interested.
Morbus said:
the random Gnomes' random Lair has just published an interview with Vince D. Weller

... Vince D.Weller?=> Vince/ault Dweller! That is the sign I've been waiting for :mrgreen: ! I suppose now I've got to wait for the release!
McRae said:
... Vince D.Weller?=> Vince/ault Dweller! That is the sign I've been waiting for :mrgreen: ! I suppose now I've got to wait for the release!
It's not his real name. He doesn't want to be recognized by his work colleagues. His Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations at a big canadian company. I think.
9. How about the available quests?

Well, they are much more better than the unavailable quests, I'll tell you that much. We have over 100 quests (104 to be specific, but that could change), but your choices will filter it down to about 60 quests per playthrough. I'm glad to report that we have 0 FedEx quests and 0 "kill x monsters/Bring me x items" quests.
That would be great. Fallout 1 and 2 had some purely Fed Ex quests but they all seemed to make sense within the context of the gameworld. There were also kill all the creatures quests but usually those were few and fairly tangential.

The best quests usually involve character interaction - sometimes with multiple characters. I'm sure everyone can name some of their favorites. I hope the quests turn out as polished and innovative as the developers are saying.
I see VD is at it again with his usual funny and charismatic excellence. :clap: My fav:
4. And the name, the name... What is the significance of the Age of Decadence title?

It describes the setting. Highly anticipated sequels "The Age of Renaissance" and "The Age of Nationalism" are already in pre-production. Buy two, get the third one for free.

By the way Morbus, I think you made a little oopsie:
Vince D. Weller, from Iron Tower Studio, responsible for the upcoming Afterfall.

P.S.: Anyone else get Amazon ads for Oblivion and Mass Effect at the bottom? :lol:
Morbus said:
It's not his real name. He doesn't want to be recognized by his work colleagues. His Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations at a big canadian company. I think.

... I guess he knows what happens to those who speak too much, hence the psedonym.
Morbus said:
He doesn't want to be recognized by his work colleagues. His Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations at a big canadian company. I think.

I don't think want has anything to do with it. His position at the company means he's closely watched by the top brass, and the top brass won't like seeing him wasting idle hours insulting people on the interwebz, not to mention how many times he discusses how he'd like to be a developer full-time.
PlanHex said:
P.S.: Anyone else get Amazon ads for Oblivion and Mass Effect at the bottom? :lol:
Yup, same here. I thought to myself "oh, sweet irony"
Anyway AoD is the only title I'm looking forward to. Next would be... Red Alert 3 if EA doesn't fuck it up. There aren't really many interesting games coming out now.
PlanHex said:
By the way Morbus, I think you made a little oopsie:
Vince D. Weller, from Iron Tower Studio, responsible for the upcoming Afterfall.
Holy crap, what was I thinking?! :shock: Luckily, our ever watching editorship already corrected my slumber mistake.

Brother None said:
Morbus said:
He doesn't want to be recognized by his work colleagues. His Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations at a big canadian company. I think.
I don't think want has anything to do with it. His position at the company means he's closely watched by the top brass, and the top brass won't like seeing him wasting idle hours insulting people on the interwebz, not to mention how many times he discusses how he'd like to be a developer full-time.
Thus, he doesn't want to be recognized, lest he get into trouble? I know what you mean though. It's more about conveniences than personal wishes.
Or maybe he's just trying to create a blank slate for himself - another, different name that's associated with the indie game industry and not the business industry.