Another Conversation That References Fallout Tactics.


Fallout Fan For Life!

Here's something interesting that many of you probably don't know, whenever you're walking around Boston Airport or The Prydwen, you may overhear this interesting conversation between two Brotherhood Soldiers. Here's the transcript...

BOS Soldier 1: "I still can't believe I was posted to the Prydwen. I mean, look at her... she's one of a kind."

BOS Soldier 2: "Actually, the Brotherhood of Steel had a whole fleet of these things at one time. They weren't as advanced as the Prydwen, mind you... but seeing them fill the sky must been an impressive sight."

BOS Soldier 1: "Are you kidding me? What happened to them?"

BOS Soldier 2: "Not sure, really. Most of them were destroyed fighting Super Mutants or scuttled for parts. I think one of them crash landed somewhere in the Midwest. I heard the wreckage is still there."

BOS Soldier 1: "Wow... I had no idea."

So as you can see, this conversation is CLEARLY referring to the events/origins of the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout Tactics!

Also, I wanted to point out 2 things that were said during the conversation...

1. The Brotherhood Soldier during the conversation mentions that the reason why the Airships were destroyed, was due to a fight with Super Mutants. Even though yes, they WERE used to track down the remnants of The Master's Army that fled to the east after the events of FO1. But according to the intro of Fallout Tactics, they were destroyed in a storm while trying to cross the mountains.
(A significant detail that was retconned perhaps??? Or you know, the writers of Bethesda [specifically Emil Pagliarulo] showing that he's never played Fallout Tactics, and doesnt even know its lore?)


2. The part about one of the Airships that can still be found somewhere in the Midwest rotting away, is a reference to the one that you can find in the mission Osceolla. Which is actually the one Paladin Latham(Gammorin) was boarded on during its flight to the east!

So yeah ain't that interesting huh?
And if you want to hear this convo,
here's a video that showcases all the voice lines for the Brotherhood of Steel Soldiers in Fallout 4.
Somebody in the comment section of the video, timestamped the dialogue for each soldier of the conversation in question.

Isn't cool that the canon status of Fallout Tactics is finally getting more clearer as time goes on? It's getting the recognition it so rightfully deserves!
Oh and the fact that people STILL keep saying that Fallout Tactics is "non-canon", well then how do you explain this? Yeah, exactly! 8-)

Also, since this is technically the second reference to Fallout Tactics in Fallout 4. The first reference which is the well known one btw, is a conversation you have with Captain Kells regarding the Prydwen's history. Here's the transcript for that one...

The Sole Survivor: "Did the Brotherhood ever build other airships?"

Captain Kells: "There were less advanced versions of this ship built on the West Coast a long time ago. Historical records about their current status are in dispute, but we're fairly certain that they were destroyed."

I suppose that technically speaking, the airships were destroyed while fighting Super Mutants insofar as they were destroyed while in service during the crusade to track down remnants of the Unity. The BOS soldier doesn't say that the mutants destroyed the airships, so it's technically correct?

I share your frustration over the status of Tactics as """non-canon,""" was thinking of posting about it lately.
I suppose that technically speaking, the airships were destroyed while fighting Super Mutants insofar as they were destroyed while in service during the crusade to track down remnants of the Unity. The BOS soldier doesn't say that the mutants destroyed the airships, so it's technically correct?

I share your frustration over the status of Tactics as """non-canon,""" was thinking of posting about it lately.

It's roughly semi-canon, that weird position. But better this than nothing. BoS goes West, made an empire, died off/dissolved. Caesar's Centurions got their BoS stuff from somewhere, which most likely was a remnant around Colorado....
I suppose that technically speaking, the airships were destroyed while fighting Super Mutants insofar as they were destroyed while in service during the crusade to track down remnants of the Unity. The BOS soldier doesn't say that the mutants destroyed the airships, so it's technically correct?

I share your frustration over the status of Tactics as """non-canon,""" was thinking of posting about it lately.
Yeah I guess your right, makes sense anyway.

It's roughly semi-canon, that weird position. But better this than nothing. BoS goes West, made an empire, died off/dissolved. Caesar's Centurions got their BoS stuff from somewhere, which most likely was a remnant around Colorado....
Personally I don't believe that they've "died off/dissolved", I think they're still around just a lot weaker of course, and probably keeping a low profile in order to survive.

NOTE: This isn't fact, it's just my personal opinion, a headcanon if you will. :cool:
It's roughly semi-canon, that weird position. But better this than nothing. BoS goes West, made an empire, died off/dissolved. Caesar's Centurions got their BoS stuff from somewhere, which most likely was a remnant around Colorado....
"Semi-Canon" doesn't mean anything. Either it happened or it didn't happen.

You also can't pick and choose what happened and what didn't when it comes to Tactics specifically. Why? Because barely anything happened in Tactics. There is almost no lore, and what lore is present is accidental at best. The main plot is straightforward, barebones, and almost entirely confirmed by other sources.

The Brotherhood showed up in the East on airships, fought Super Mutants, and made it back West as far as Colorado. Fallout 2 confirms that Cheyenne Mountain/NORAD is offline and if you like using Van Buren as a source, it's a smoldering crater. Yeah nobody has said the name of the Calculator in a canonical source, but who cares?