Another franchise raped

Planescape Torment is a franchise? :shock:

Anyway, I'm really really getting sick of all these MMOs. I mean, did game developers everywhere suddenly forget that a lot of gamers are people who aren't really that interested in social contacts and communicating with other people and want to play games instead?

Also, what's the point? As much as I don't like the game and hate to admit it - WoW has set the standard in MMORPGs so high that I doubt anyone will beat it any time soon, especially with everyone COPYING the game instead.
The problem with making MMOs is that people develop them because of how successful Blizzard was with World of Warcraft. However, because of that same success, most of the people who like MMOs play Warcraft, and most of the people who want to try them would go for the most popular one.
I'll be waitng for The Old Republic, this seems not to be a WoW clone, though I can't say how good the game itself will be.
Ravager69 said:
I'll be waitng for The Old Republic, this seems not to be a WoW clone, though I can't say how good the game itself will be.

You mean the KOTOR mmo right? I would kill for another single player KOTOR but I'm hoping the MMO turns out at least ok...
Jebus said:
A dungeon keeper MMO? AN MMO?

This MMO shit is getting out of hand.
Indeed. I just plain don't see how Dungeon Keeper could become an MMORPG or any sort of standard MMO. The best idea I can come up with for a Dungeon Keeper MMO would be to do it something like 10six (now Project Visitor), which could be cool (would probably loose a lot of the Dungeon Keeper aspects) but it isn't going to happen.

Jenx said:
Also, what's the point? As much as I don't like the game and hate to admit it - WoW has set the standard in MMORPGs so high that I doubt anyone will beat it any time soon, especially with everyone COPYING the game instead.
WoW's only success is the level of addictiveness achieved, the rest of the game is anything but standout.

slamelov said:
I suppose to, I don't think they have released the name of the game for free. I think Atari has the rights.
WotC has the rights and ultimately makes the choice whether or not to allow companies to make games based on their products and given that Planescape is no longer a supported campaign setting, don't count on seeing any games.
Well if you take away the addictiveness - there isn't really much left to MMOs is there? they are boring, repetitive and usually filled with morons. WoW is all of that too, but it's still the best MMORPG right now, and I really really doubt anyone will take it down from it's throne any time soon.
slamelov said:
Critter said:
This is dumb.

What other franchises are left to rape? :D

Ultima, Deus Ex (not enough raped, it seems) , Syndicate, Flashback, Thief, Planescape Torment...

Oh yeah, when they rape Planescape and they make a fine action game out of it please contact me. I may either commit suicide or do a suicide bombing with charges all over my body running into the building of whichever company, responsible for the rape!
Pope Viper said:
Ultima was already raped by Ultima Online.

Ultima Online, in the beguinning, was a great game. The problem is that EA fucked. The Origin Ultima Online was great. MMORPG did not evolve since then.
slamelov said:
Ultima Online, in the beguinning, was a great game. The problem is that EA fucked. The Origin Ultima Online was great. MMORPG did not evolve since then.

Agreed. To me, WoW seems like child's play compared to what UO was in the early days. Most games since then have been to some degree a watered down version of it.

Now IX was what truly raped Ultima.....just like VIII, it had such potential :( I never have been more dissappointed, yes even Fallout 3 didn't hurt nearly so bad.
slamelov said:
Pope Viper said:
Ultima was already raped by Ultima Online.

Ultima Online, in the beguinning, was a great game. The problem is that EA fucked. The Origin Ultima Online was great. MMORPG did not evolve since then.

Agree, I was in the beta for UO, and did have a great time with it, but it kills me how it took resources away from the SP Ultimas.

EA really screwed Origin in to the ground.
I think everyone has forgotten about Red Alert 3. What a massive rape-fest that one will be.
Cheech the cat said:
I think everyone has forgotten about Red Alert 3. What a massive rape-fest that one will be.

By making the same game they've been making for the past twenty years? I seriously doubt it, if there's one genre you can keep selling without changing a single thing, it's the RTS genre.