Another game namedrops Fallout

Hmm if my memory is correct
Reality Pump created PAINKILLER, old fashion FPP , which was pretty cool.
mmm well from their site, they were the developers of the entire Earth series (earth 2140... etc) which was supposed to be REAL good.
Oh yeah sorry
that's true they're Earth devs not Painkiller.
Anyway Earth 2160 is kicking ass!
In case anybody else wondered where the hell "zuxxez" came from all of a sudden -- you might know them better under their former name:

Topware Interactive.

Earth 2140, 2150 and 2160 only being the more notable titles they produced.

Nevermind the bumping.
My contribution to this discussion:

Our mission is to produce compelling old-school computer role-playing games for gamers who still remember what great computer RPGs used to be about...

Single player. Turn based. Stat heavy. Story driven.

Ever played the Ultima series? Might & Magic? Wizardry? Fallout?
If so, you get the idea of the types of games we're working on.

What are your most fond memories of past computer RPGs?

What features have you've always wanted to see in an RPG?