Another Leon interview


Carbon Dated and Proud
Next up on the ladder to interview Leonard Boyarsky is Gamebanshee, here's an interesting quote:<blockquote>GB: Was there any interest in your post-apocalyptic tech demo? If you don't mind me asking, what sort of pitch/demo were you doing with the Half Life 2 engine?

Leon: We had some initial interest in our post apocalyptic game, but it was felt that it would have taken too long a dev cycle to develop the engine and then the game. We were hoping to do it in conjunction with another project with the same publisher to offset the development costs of the engine, but that deal fell through somewhere in the executive realm of the company we were talking to. The strangest thing for us was that we were in contact with a lot of development people who really wanted to work with us – producers, etc, but marketing and the execs are real wary of RPGs.

We had two different demos we did with the HL2 engine. One was post apocalyptic and the other was more contemporary, kind of a follow up to Vampire (in terms of game mechanics, etc, but not the license) where we focused on what worked in Vampire and threw away what didn’t. </blockquote>Really?
Link: Gamebanshee interviews Leon
Thanks goes out to Greatatlantic for informing us!
Haven't had the chance to read the full interview yet (class in a few minutes) but from that quote all I have to say is: GoddamnitalltoHELL!!! I was just starting to get over the demise of Troika, now this? Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds.

Just read it.
Leonard Boyarsky said:
It's all the damn publisher's fault!!!
Leonard Boyarsky said:
I'd say each of the publishers we worked with had their ... bad points.

Well said Leon. :twisted:

I'm done misquoting/quoting out of context for the day. Short, but decent read. Didn't seem to be anything new aside from the PA Source project though. Damn that would have been nice.

Ok, one more.

Leonard Boyarsky said:
... we ... embezzled the company's funds and [have] gone to live on an island in the Bahamas.
Good question, i thought it was the new engine too, and even told MrSmileyFace that. So was it the new engine or a SOURCE demo?
Heh, good question. Only one way to find out though I guess. Anyone in contact with a higher up from Troika?
Taintspore said:
Heh, good question. Only one way to find out though I guess. Anyone in contact with a higher up from Troika?

I'll ask Leon, sure, but I'm pretty sure the PA demo we saw was based on their own engine...wait no...ah nevermind.

EDIT: wow, that was fast. "There were two different demos - the one you've seen was using our own engine. We did another one with the HL2 engine (using the same avatar and robot but with a Vampire 1st/third person camera) where we took the Gargoyle's AI from Vamp and gave it to the robot so you could fight him."