Another post for Critique/Review Of Fallout 4?

Uber Morpth

First time out of the vault
So I recently bought Fallout 4 GOTY out of morbid curiosity to see for myself all the things people say about It, now with being 2 days Into it with a character beating the main quest including dlc's I feel I experienced all there can be to do In this game enough to where I like to try my first post disscussing a game while giving my opinon on it in grave details.

But I have a feeling I might just be saying the same stuff eveyone else on here has said about the pros/cons and not really controbuting to the subject at hand, so how would you fellas feel of me attempting to post something of this nature on here or is it a lost cost?
with being 2 days Into it with a character beating the main quest including dlc's I feel I experienced all there can be to do In this game

If that's how you feel by playing it non-stop for only two days then there should be nothing more to say about it.

Pwener's distilled thoughts: It's a crap game made by a studio gone wrong. Wasted potential, salty NMA original classics defenders complaining about it as if it somehow tarnishes the memory of the originals, newer fans to the franchise trolling us every so often because of it and people like me who pretend to hate Fallout 4 more than we actually do just to fit in. Then you get the occasional smart aleks who point this all out in a much more fashionable way than myself and so get tons of upvotes because of it.

Quite the vicious cycle wouldn't you say? And it all loops back again when people like you decide to make threads like this. It always ends the same way. Nobody learns anything, the originals are praised and all is right with the world.

"No Mutants Allowed. No Mutants Allowed never changes. Except when it did. It's much nicer now because of it. Really." -
Ron Pwenerman
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I'm being honest when I say I only really enjoy the exploration and combat of the game that's literally It (don't know why but those type of games are addictive to me).

I forced myself to try and not do the main quest and even try the dlc's, took me only till I got to level 35 where I decided to go through the main quest (boy I still regert remembering how much of a train wreck it all was) I only today stopped after finishing nuka world (siding with the raider gangs) and Preston Gravy Literally doing nothing about it, Is a shame since I don't really hate Fallout 4 or like it

Quite the vicious cycle wouldn't you say? And it all loops back again when people like you decide to make threads like this. It always ends the same way. Nobody learns anything, the originals are praised and all is right with the world.

I don't blame you for saying I'm the problem, oddly enough I'm probably the only one on here that feels this game could of potential be good if due to the fact Bethesda tried to appease to both Fallout fan's and bethesdia fan's, so all we get then Is a mediocre open world game and one of the worst rpgs I've ever played.
I don't blame you for saying I'm the problem

Oh no, I didn't mean it that way. You can like whatever you want. I have no problem with it as long as it isn't objectively wrong like that broad @Jethro who thought it'd be funny to make a thread saying F3 was better than NV the very day she joined this website as a member.

I was simply stating how things here operate. Or at least how I've come to know things operate here since I joined.
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