STALKER- I liked the setting, a lot of stuff to play around with and it can be quite fun for a while, a whole lot of running though. Atleast I could'nt find a way to repair your broken weapons, had to get a new one. Bit annoying really.
Call of Juarez - Great game in my opinion, though very linear, I'm a sucker for the Wild West though, so I'm biased.
FEAR - Will keep you entertained for a while, but once you've done one playthrough there is no reason for it to be played again. Some of the fights are interesting though, but all the scare is gone. For me it lived on the promise of scaring me, wich it did quite a few times. I think of it as Max Payne in a FPS setting with scare moments.
Battlefield 2 - Got it myself on release, and while I love the concept, actually playing the game spending most of the time lying on your back watching the blue sky gets kinda annoying in the long run.

Alot of people that play it have done so for quite a while already, and you might find it hard to get into it or feel out of the loop.
Being plagued by a carrier chart that looks like someone tried to draw a straight line during a 9.5 earthquake did'nt help. At all.
Temple of Elemental Evil - Good game, decent roleplaying and probably the best D&D3ed translation I've seen. (Granted my experience with those are between this and NWN

Can be quite difficult if you don't know what you're doing.