Anti-Pot statistic evolution

Wooz said:
What's up with you Latvian people and your avatars?
Per said:
They only have one good-looking girl in Latvia and everyone has a crush on her.
AFAIK both avatars are from "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children" CG movie, so I don't really see a connection between them and the count of females in Latvia.
Yes, yes; your avatar is of Vincent, while Kibrika's is of Tifa.

But they actually do look similar, especially taken with the washed out quality of both avatars. They also both look feminine. Taken into account Latvia's relatively small size; I'm sure you can see where the joke derives from.
98% of the NMA community has made a variant of the 98%/2% signature. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Y'know, I pasted the original into my sig for a moment, but then I remembered I no longer count as teenage.
1.6% of the NMA community uses the retarded comma where a decimal should be. If you're one of the 98.4% who uses the decimal, copy & paste this in your signature.
calculon00 said:
1.6% of the NMA community uses the retarded comma where a decimal should be. If you're one of the 98.4% who uses the decimal, copy & paste this in your signature.

Anyway, it still applies even if you're not a teen and you never smoked during your teen years and...never.