>I think Bhass makes an interesting
>point that is relevant to
>Fallout here.
Thank You....
>Religion, despite its spiritual qualities, is
>also about the selling of
>ideas. You give your support,
>donations, charity, whatever to the
>church in the idea that
>you are connected to some
>higher purpose shared by a
>community. This offers trendous opportunities
>for corruption. For those
>who lead this could be
>a financial - the priests
>make money selling salvation. It
>could be the corruption of
>the faith itself- in which
>a faith is created over
>something very secular or the
>ideas of the faith are
>corrupted to become something higher
>than what it really is.
> There is also corruption
>of the individual- where the
>egotistical gains for the individual
>(of being part of the
>"higher" calling) outweight the spiritual
That's what happened to most big religion. Some priest try to sell the god.
>Religion also defines "Us" vs. "them".
> I think the differences
>between Muslims and Christians in
>Indonesia point this out, and
>I wonder if Mr. Bhass
>has a particular opinion if
>one of the reasons for
>the Bali bombing was that
>Bali is primarily Hindu while
>the rest of Indonesia is
The Bali bombing target are not Hindu people. Let see, the bomb location are strictly for foreign tourist and only a few local people killed. Besides, unlike India, there were no conflict between Hindu and Muslims. We live in peace for about almost 1000 years (Since Islam enter Indonesia in the 11th century in Atjeh) without any conflict.
I believe the main target were Australian people since lots of tourist were Australian. Only few Indonesian died there and none of them were Balinese Hindu people.
And this is have been successfull! The relation between Australian and Indonesian becoming worse nowaday since Australian Gov. capturing some Indonesian Muslim live there and our local Hacker Corps hacked Australian Web site. Also some local man have sweared to chew the next Australian Ass they saw (Not me! I never do that. That will make it worse.)
There are few theories about the Bombing and some of them refers to East Timor conflict. One says that the bombing were backed by East Timor Pro Integration Militia which feels betrayed by Australian. The other theories are the Al Qaeda does it. THis is because Mr. Osama once said "The Australian has made East Timor - Which is a part of Moslem Nation- regain their Independence." The other theory are the bombing done by a Terrorist group who hate Islam and wan't to ruin Islam name.
Recent investigation stated that the bombing were done by Jamaah Islamiyah -A fundamentalist group. It is involved in the murdering Egypt PM Anwar Sadat in '70s.- and they also the one who bombed Church during Christmast. Their plan are to make Chaos in Indonesia and one of the plan were to Assassin our President. Oh yeah! There also someone who provoke the Muslims and Christian in Ambon to fought each other in Bloodshed. And not only the Muslims, someone also provoke the Christian. Some credible source stated that in both side there were foreign "advisor", some of them ex Afganistan and Bosnian fighter. Don't know in Christian side, some said there were Westerner tough.... And these provocator got high financial support too...
But our relation in Indonesia is quite good. Muslims, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, all live in peace.
>Not to pick on the Indonesians,
>but this is a worldwide
>phenomena with great political reprecussions.
>Look at almost all your
>great religions today and you
>will find that their early
>histories were of violence and
Yeah. Always in bloodshed. I don't Understand it? Isn't all of our religion taught us to leave in Peace. Like an old Muslim saying by Muhammad, our prophet, "The Muslims is like a Bee. They only eating from the good source (The Flowers), Made good thing for the society (Honey) and don't do any violence except someone disturb them even if the retalitory action cause them death (by stinging human who disturb the bee. Even if the bee were dead by this action.)"
>Should we be surprised if a
>post apocalytic world is one
>in which fringe religions mobilize
>communities to take up the
>sword to spread their ideology
>and either convert or slay
>the "others?"
NO! The world will be in chaos so perhaps the religious cult with fanatic people will rule. They are the first who take advantage of this situation.
Just one thing to think. If someone ask me "Why you are muslims Bhass?" my answer were "Because my dad, mum, uncle, aunt, grandparents and my great great grand parents were Muslims." And if i ask this question to the Christian most of their answer were the same, "Because my Mum, dad, uncle, aunt, and whole of my family were Christian." Only the converted one would say "Because of my hearts. I found my calling here."
Imagine what happened to you if you were born in some indigenous tribal in the thick Amazon forest who worship the Sun God or something else? I think you would become like that. Like if i were born here, perhaps I won't be a Muslims. And you all perhaps won't be a Christian?