Any Metroid fans here?

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

Next to being a big fan of the Fallout series I am also a fan of Nintendo's Metroid series ever since Super Metroid back in the SNES days.

These last couple of weeks I have been playing some of the 2D platformers again such as Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission and the Prime games, and though they may not be as flashy as the latest games they still hold up very good.

So are there any Fallout fans here who are also fans of the Metroid series?
Which game got you into the series?
What do you think of the direction the Metroid Prime games went? (hate it/love it?)

And what did you think of the last released Metroid game, the somewhat mixed received Metroid Other M?

I won't go into detail about my feelings about the last one.
While I liked some of the models' graphics and especially the detail they put into the world design and look, in general I was very disappointed with the gameplay and the storyline.
I'm a fan of Metroid. I remember playing the first or second game when I was younger, but not knowing what it had been called, if you can believe that. Then, a while later whilst playin Super smash brothers I was reaquainted. I then caught up with the franchise.

I must say, I haven't actually played Other M, but I'd like to. I'm really put off by what I've seen and heard of the story and how Samus is handled.
Super Metroid was superb, a very atmospheric and well done game. Not a fan of the modern FPS metroid games.
I thought the prime games were pretty cool. Obviously, they were different from the original Metroids, but I think Nintendo usually do a good job when they put time into games.
I liked most Metroid games, even Fusion (which was actually my first). Super is of course a classic, but methinks Zero Mission is also excellent. I've only played Prime 1 and 3, but they are very good too, only thing I didn't really like about them was the slow pace, the action ought to have happened a bit faster, Samus is not your garden variety FPS protagonist.

As for Other M, the gameplay was actually quite decent, but the story is just awful. And I mean, Resident Evil-level of awful. Cheesy, narmy, Samus's character few things short of being butchered. I quit halfway through, and I very rarely leave a game unfinished.
I love Metroid. Played the original back on the NES when I was in grade school. Freaked out when I found out Samus was a girl.

Metroid II on the Game Boy was great as well (underrated IMO).

Super Metroid is probably one of the best games of all time.

The other Game Boy games (Fusion) were pretty good as well.

I liked Metroid Prime and have the Trilogy on Wii (yet to really play it though).

Other M looked like shit and I stayed clear of it.

Hopefully with the WiiU Nintendo will return to a more exploration based style with the next gen Metroid.
Hi rcorporon,

After I played Super Metroid on the SNES I got Metroid 2 for my Gameboy (I did not own a SNES at the time, renting it and SM at the time).
While a little bit slower that Super Metroid it was definitely a game I kept coming back to at the time.
I still have my original copy along with copies of all the other games.

Metroid Prime Trilogy is definitely worth putting some time into, the new controls are great, and while they may sometimes conflict a little with Prime 1 and 2's design (some situations were designed with a controller in mind rather than a Wii mote and nunchuck) it should not give you much trouble.

I do miss some of the arm cannon effects that could not be transferred to the Wii when they converted the game but those are just small losses.

After playing Metroid Other M a couple of days ago I also hope they will go back to either making a 2D Metroid on the 3DS or something along side the Prime games on the Wii U.
I especially hope that whoever the writer will be will no rely on the load of ridiculous Anime clichés that Sakamoto put in the story of Metroid Other M.

I wish for the player/Samus to go back to just fighting monstrous space aliens and the Space Pirates and not more of this 'The Federation is secretly evil' cliché.
And of course freedom in exploration.
Prime wasn't completely a FPS and to call it nonsense is a bit ridiculous.

Metroid Prime 1 really felt like Super Metroid done from a first person perspective.
Prime is one of my favorite games of all time. I loved everything about it.

Couldn't even finish Prime 2 though. Never played 3.
Metroid is second only to Fallout as my all time favorite gaming series. I believe the first metroid game I played was Metroid: Zero Mission on the gameboy advance. I own a gamecube basically to occasionally play metroid prime and echoes, which I love.

Also, Samus is an awesome character. A stronger, less stereotypical woman in gaming than usual, I think. For the games I've played, at least (I can't vouch for Other M, which I've heard some rumors about).
I never completed Metroid, getting constantly lost was simply too frustrating. Metroid II was great, and Super Metroid is one of three or four games that I still replay each year. I love how it gives you a set of mechanics that you can freely use in ways the designers never dreamed off. Something all games should aspire to do.

The later games desperately tried to prevent any kind of creative gameplay, forcing the player down that one intended path. Pisses me off to no end, since it's additional work that only makes a game worse. Seeing that done to Metroid was the last thing I expected. Still, Fusion and Zero Mission are good enough to play through once. Don't know about the Prime games, since I played those for maybe a few hours. They seemed to do disappointingly less than Super Metroid. Felt kind of restrictive, too, but entertaining nevertheless. Can't say that about Hunters, which is a complete piece of pure railroaded unimaginative shit.