Any projects to rewrite Fallout 4?

Heres my idea of an alternate story:

Bethesda sells the rights over to Obsidian and they get to properly make a Fallout game and not get fucked over by Bethesda and it's retarded & brain dead followers.

The only thing you can do without remaking too much is try to rebuild the main quest, making a few awful post-modernistic 4th wall breaking things like making the main protagonist a secret Gen.4 synth with absolute free will and no electronic or mechanical components and memory of an old SHAUUUUWN's father instead of what game provides.

Of course the only right thing to do is forget about FO4 in this ugly reality but digging the head into the sand is not gonna make the problem go away and resolve magically.
The problem with that is that Fallout 4 has so many mechanics that restrict modding. Then there is the voice protagonist, so if someone would remove all the story from Fallout 4 and nonsense quests it would need voice actors to replace the voice for the new quests and story.
I am not sure if it can be done yet without Fallout 4 SE, and since the SE people moved to Skyrim Special Edition I have no idea when they will return to FO4.
Then we also have the fact that Fallout was never as attractive to modders as Skyrim (and we can't forget the modding restrictions and how many things are hardcoded so they can't be changed) so most modders moved to Skyrim Special Edition because they have no interest in Fallout, and with the next game from Bethesda being almost assured another TES I don't think modders will return to FO4 either.

Unfortunately the truth is that almost no one (of the great modders that this project would need to be part of) wants to mod Fallout 4 anymore and no one would want to do something like this because it would take years and modders are not even sure if it is possible due to hardcoded stuff that Bethesda put in the game and the lack of SE.

FROST is the easiest way of doing away with the story, since it just disables all of it pretty much and makes the game just be a shooting frenzy. And even that will take quite a while to be totally completed.

I would say that this will probably have to at least wait for the SE to be made, and/or more great modders to return to work on FO4. :nod:
Personally, I would recommend ripping all resources from FO4 and "mod" it like Enderal on "Newrim" .

At least,
1. It is a 64bit system that will have SE supported
2. The dialogue system is not hard coded to that shitty 4 option crap
3. The protagonist is silent
4. We are not supporting "game hour" on FO4 so Berthesda cannot claim credit on that crap.
5. For the protagonist(s) voice, just make it a voiced companion. We have plenty of voice files for that.

Personally, I have a basic script of a "trilogy" of FO3+FNV+FO4 as my head canon. But to be honest, FO4 is a "fan service bomb". Most serious players has no love about it. If any group/team willing to spent so much hour on that crap, they would better off spend their efforts on their own indie game instead of making free mods to boost Berthesda's sale and "referencing" the idea in their next game.
Personally, I would recommend ripping all resources from FO4 and "mod" it like Enderal on "Newrim" .

At least,
1. It is a 64bit system that will have SE supported
2. The dialogue system is not hard coded to that shitty 4 option crap
3. The protagonist is silent
4. We are not supporting "game hour" on FO4 so Berthesda cannot claim credit on that crap.
5. For the protagonist(s) voice, just make it a voiced companion. We have plenty of voice files for that.

Personally, I have a basic script of a "trilogy" of FO3+FNV+FO4 as my head canon. But to be honest, FO4 is a "fan service bomb". Most serious players has no love about it. If any group/team willing to spent so much hour on that crap, they would better off spend their efforts on their own indie game instead of making free mods to boost Berthesda's sale and "referencing" the idea in their next game.
The way I see the modding community for Fallout 4 is that people who have no problems with the game systems and features enjoy it the way it is, people who don't like the game's systems and features do not make mods for it (there are a couple of exceptions because some people just have fun modding). I don't see the people who enjoy FO4 wanting to make a total conversion of it and I don't see those who don't enjoy FO4 wanting to do it either. Like I said people prefer modding TES way more than Bethesda's Fallout games.

Even a total conversion will still use the hardcoded things from Fallout 4 engine because it is using that engine, without SE for FO4 many things can't be circumvented very well or at all.

Also a total conversion like that would take many years and a motivated large team of great modders from all areas of modding (texture artists, mesh artists, animation artists, writers, scripters, programmers, world builders, etc).
For example, Enderal took 6 years to be made, and had a good studio behind it (and they are veterans, they had already made Nehrim: At Fate´s Edge, a total conversion for Oblivion in the past too).
Well... (much as I'd like the WL2/NV conversion)... It's actually [more or less] legal to do a FO3 or 4 conversion with the official tools, and distribute a mod that upends the official Bethesda release of either game, and wouldn't likely be pursued in the US courts. I do think that the NV version of the engine could match or better the WL2 engine, if handled by experience Gamebryo-modder/devs.


If it is possible to add the original style maptravel, make working and feature-competent "VATS" only combat (Wiz8 style), turn the minigames into weighted skilltests and tweak the mechanics to suit the new style... Why not. I'd be all for that. I'd imagine the hacking and lockpicking minigames could even use the minigame visuals while that character does the job... Seeing what's going on in a small videowindow at the corner of the screen:

As for the voicing, just clip out a short phrase that sums up the spirit of the statement(s). Say, I don't know, that's crazy, I won't do that, etc. Then rewrite the dialogue mostly unfettered.