Any species that could succeed humanity?

Gore bags. And while they are mostly human, they could be made from any other species. They are remarkably resilient and barely require food. They have been biding their time, but I tell you - soon the majestic gore bag will take it's rightful place as the ruler of this world.

I am surprised D.C wasn't a gorebag by Fallout 3.
Well, the S'Lanter, obviously. I like to think they've been watching humanity with their beady little eyes, biding their time, and after the Battle for Hoover Dam they will rise up from the garbage cans of the NCR to take over the world.
All that's missing is a suave accent for charmingly cute cloudcuckoolander dialogue.

Ah, but that was only a ruse! the Business Roaches were just Using You All Along!!
Yeah I got some birds drunk off of Olde English. Replaced the water in the birdhouse with OE. Weren't so smart anymore.
Gore bags. And while they are mostly human, they could be made from any other species. They are remarkably resilient and barely require food. They have been biding their time, but I tell you - soon the majestic gore bag will take it's rightful place as the ruler of this world.

I am surprised D.C wasn't a gorebag by Fallout 3.

I am even more surprised that California was even more barren and empty than D.C.
Well, to be fair, the D.C. Wasteland was maybe like, downtown Washington D.C. and it's suburbs and barely outside city limits (you know when you start to leave a city and start seeing wilderness, but you're only a few miles outside the city and probably still technically in city limits).

Fallout 1 had the entirety of Southern California. After the war (even 200 years so), I highly doubt there are going to be towns every ten miles in post-apocalyptic Southern California. California is a pretty big place (bigger than some countries), especially when you don't have a car, train, or airplane to take you around. The reason towns were so close together was because Bethesda only used a small piece of land, whereas Fallout 1-2 used Southern and Northern California.

Off topic, in my opinion Bethesda should have used a type of "world-map", and possibly included all of Maryland or just areas along the Northern/Central East Coast. I know they wouldn't have given up their first-person view engine, but a world-map would still have been nice.

Here's an example:


NOTE: Just an example, I'm not trying to say where I think places should be or what should be on the map. The real world map should probably have double the areas though.
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