First time out of the vault

soooo maybe it's because of the two mods i installed, B team and the mod to improve miria
WsfWarlord said:soooo maybe it's because of the two mods i installed, B team and the mod to improve miria
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Can somone post a COMPLETE installation guide for celestial's 1.05 and 1.05.1 patches? Ive long forgotten what to do and ive been sifting though this mess for over and hour on and off trying to find the way but people seem to always post incomplete methods.
*edit* Notice how the readme installation just says "Place the \data folder, fallout2.exe, readme.txt and this file into the game directory." Ive done that but the patch still doesnt take effect. I have also deleted the old patch0000 file and that doesnt help either.
MazeMouse said:I just downloaded the newest of Seraphs patches and as far as I understand it I don't need to install killap's patch because this is implemented into Seraphs patch, correct?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Hey bear dude, i have 1.05, 1.05.1 celest patches installed. How can i install your unofficialFO2patch_final-A, and still have celest's patches working? I would also like to know which mode i select for your slow down thingy.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:I like how in his patch your npcs correctly display the armor they are wearing. Thats pretty much all i care about besides his bug fixes really... If you could implement that in your next patch that would be GREAT!
p.s. - Does your patch fix all the bugs his fixes and well...causes. I noticed that while in the den i got the redding option in my pip boy for quests and the first one says "Error" and is complete.. what the fuck?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Ok, definatly what the fuck... I just went to the den and told karl to go home, now i look and the error has become "Find out who has cut the whore" and its complete...i havent even been in redding. I know that quest, some sheriff dude gives it to you, but i havent been in redding so how did i get it? I have never encountered this before.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Just celest's 1.05 and 1.05.1. Ok now im shooting slavers in the den with my 10mm pistol and for some reason i keep hitting EVERYONE for no damage now...
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Ok bear dude, im going to uninstall celests and add yours instead. One thing though, in the next patch could you make the npcs display the armor they wear? When is the new patchin comin out?
*edit* also, what version would i set on the fallout 2 patcher thing?