If you wanna real quest treasure, check out the Marcus´s script, Chad´s script (and the slavemaster(?) in vault city) and you´ll notice an unused quest where Marcus asks you to find a proof that Chad is skimming money from the uranium shipments. All the sound files and global variables are in place, just a dialog filling and a reimpenting the proof thingy that you need for Marcus (judging by the global vars, it was intented to find this proof either in Gecko or Broken Hills).
I made a patch for this and it was supposed to be with Celestial´s 1.06 patch, which never came out.
Other thing that I did was going to be with 1.06 was the "Village outside Vault city" location. All the scripts for this are already done by the developers (except the map script). Only thing missing is the map itself (there is a crappy map for this made by me

) and the quest set up with the slavemaster in Vault City. Check the Vconnar.ssl.