Per said:
The COD lists four meanings for "remains" of which only one is about once-living bodies. Seems OK to me.
Well, "remains" used by itself (as it is used in the text in question) is technically speaking not wrong, but an unusual way of using the word in English given how it scans. Which was why I suggested "remnants" as an alternative. And if you look up the word "remnants" in the dictionary, I'm sure you'll see it's a bit more suitable than "remains".
Or perhaps it's just the English tutor in me being overly picky -- in this case, please kindly ignore and disregard my comment.
And finally, my long-awaited (?) bug list for the Den:
The Den -- Mom
When you first talk to Mom, she says a certain text as a greeting (line 406, or line 200 for stupid characters). You then get the option to ask her about several different topics. At the end of each discussion, the player can go back to the main node to ask about different topics, but Mom will greet you all over again as if you haven't spoken to her. The easiest in-game workaround is to exit conversation with Mom and talk to her again. Then the correct text (line 407, or line 201 for stupid characters) will be displayed.
This bug pops up because of how the script calls the set_herebefore macro. The local variable herebefore is set only after the conversation is over instead of immediately after Mom had displayed her text. So the fix is to remove set_herebfore from procedure talk_p_proc, and shove it in at the appropriate spots in Node001 and Node013.
The Den -- Mom (again)
A few lines do not display properly when Mom is speaking with a stupid character. Here they are:
Line 202 (Displays "Me .Haenlomal" -- that is, if your character's name is Haenlomal. That period should probably go at the end instead of the middle of the phrase.)
Line 221-222 (Displays "Well.Haenlomal you sure do look as though you're a might confused. I hate to see a critter suffer. Want something to eat?" -- note that there are two errors here, the "Well.Haenlomal" part, and "might" should be "mite".)
The Den -- Frankie
If you buy a drink from Becky, and then you go to Frankie and ask him for information without trying to buy a drink from him, you still get the option to ask him why Becky's drinks are so much cheaper than his drinks -- even though your character doesn't know the price of his drinks yet! But then again, I suppose we can pretend that the price is written on a billboard in The Hole somewhere....
The Den -- Metzger
A few lines need to be corrected.
Lines 210, 211, 212: Add a comma after "Slaver's Guild".
Line 367: Missing period at the end of the sentence.
The Den -- Smitty
If you deliver Mom's food to Smitty late, you still get the 150xp reward, though you don't get any stimpaks. The reason for this is because the quest is set to finished state instead of failed state. It's not like you deserve any reward for failing such an easy quest anyway.

Because of this, a potential line from Mom (405) is never spoken by her -- which is just as well, because I think there's a bug there too that will cause her to keep on accusing the player of not delivering Smitty's meal in time, instead of just saying it once and then going back to the default 407 line.
In a similar vein, killing Smitty or Mom does not set the quest to fail -- this will keep the entry active in your PipBoy forever. Same thing happens for some of the other quests out there -- killing Anna the ghost, for example, jumps to my mind.
The Den -- Lara
There are quite a few typos and grammatical errors to fix here. I'll enumerate them one by one.
Line 320: "caravan's" should be "caravans".
Line 350: "buy" should be "by".
Line 370: "maters" should be "matters".
Line 372: Missing a period at the end of the phrase.
Line 381: "Don't you get it." should end in a question mark instead of a period.
Line 440: "out number" should be "outnumber".
Line 592: Add a comma after "Metzger". Note that the addition of this simple comma changes the meaning of the entire sentence!
The Den -- Gang fight between Lara and Tyler
Two errors here:
1) If you accompany Lara to the fight, and no trap is set for Lara, you do not get any bonus xp for simply walking off the map. You are supposed to get 1000 bonus xp for helping Lara's gang.
2) If you accompany Lara to the fight, and the trap is set for Lara, you get 1000 bonus xp for helping "Lara's gang to win the battle." This is supposed to be the 1100 bonus for helping ambush Lara's gang.
Golgotha -- Finding Sam Pritchard's grave and the map to SAD (Yes, I know this isn't part of the Den, but...)
When you dig up Sam Pritchard's grave using a shovel, and then search it, you get the following messages in the message window:
* You have found Pritchard's grave... and the map to the Sierra Army Depot.
* You gain 500 experience points.
* You gain 500 experience points.
* While searching Pritchard's body, you pull off his boots and notice one of the heels is loose. Prying it off, you find a wrinkled map that leads to something called "SAD." You enter the map into your PipBoy.
Are you supposed to receive both the first and last message? Are you supposed to receive 500 experience points two times in a row for a total of 1000 experience points? Also, you do not get the Gravedigger karmic title for doing this -- is this by design? Please note that in this game, I have not spoken to any of the Wrights. In fact, the only ones I spoke to in New Reno are Father Tully (for the hintbook -- I did not visit New Reno until after I had beaten the game), and Jules (to put Golgotha on the map). I had used the hintbook, so all my stats are at 10 (no enhanced implants, so no charisma stat raising bug for me) and all my skills are at 300.
Generic -- Using First Aid or Doctor skill (Yes, I know this isn't exactly related to the Den either...)
When you heal only 1 hit point, the message still says you heal "1 hit points." This is line 500 in skill.msg, and unfortunately it looks like this is yet another engine bug.
-- The Haen.