First time out of the vault

Its more like WW shouldn't be a trait, instead should be a game mode.Pretty much this. WW is a waste of a trait.
It's not bad on its own, and some of the additions are admittedly nice, but for the most part it's disappointing, given how wacky FO and especially FO2 were. I get it that it wasn't a priority for developers, and that's fine, but it's still...meh.
Of only they made it different, like Courier said, it would be okay. This way, I wasn't inclined on grabbing the trait on more than one playthrough, since encounters are meh. The only worthwhile thing that comes with it is Alien Blaster - which I grew to dislike after a while.
Alien Blaster is powerful, but its ammo is scarce, thus I seldom use it. Using it against Legate was memorable though, and really shows how overpowered that gun is.
My next playthrough was without WW, and I appreciate the YCS/186 more. It became one of my signature weapons.