Anyone ever tried making a Power Armor costume?

the goose

First time out of the vault
power armor costume

this might sound dumb, but does anybody have a picture of the back of power armor from fallout tactics, i am making a costume of the powerarmor and i can't build the suit untill i have the back view.
You could always open the power armor sprite in Redviewer and look at it from the back. Granted the resolution is not that great but its just about all there is.

You may also want to check Freelancer. They have a few pictures that may help.
thanks for the help fellas. yeah i'll send the pic once its finished, and i am gonna be making molds of the armor so i can make more than one. so one day you might see power armor costumes for sale.
...or has someone else ever tried? The BoS Powered Armor, the original one from Fallout 1 is pretty cool, and I don't see anything wrong with making one, since other sci-fi fans make their own. :D
Good idea, but I've always wanted to try to actually create an actual powered, armored combat suit. It's entirely possible, but the hardware needed is incredibly expensive in the amounts you need it. Power source is also incredibly tricky.
even if you were successfull in making one to a T, i doubt anyone would get it....people would probably think your the tin man from the wizard of oz.
Fallout Powered Amor Cosplay - does it exist?

After all these years and all the fanaticism of the Fallout fanbase, no one has made one yet? The thought of wearing one, even if it's just fake, was one of the first things I thought of immediately when I first saw Fallout 1's main screen. I mean, if the Warhammer 40K guys here can do it...



...why can't Fallout fans try as well? :roll:
Probably because most Fallout fans don't care that much about it.
Oh, and the bottom pic was taken in Amsterdam. I was there once, and for me not really caring for Warhammer, that did pretty much stand out.

It's been talked about before, though,here
and here, the latter being made by yourself. So, merging.

If you're so keen on seeing a Power Armor, why not make one yourself?
i dont think most fans feel that the BoS PA is that important to the setting. if i think of things that are significant for post apoc & fallout, BoS PA isnt the first thing that jumps to mind.

sure it looks good in the art pics, sure it's badass to walk around as a powered tin can, but it's not really something most fans would get into i think.

besides, if you make it yourself, you have 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance of you turning out looking like a complete idiot (but chances are, that ship has sailed already)
Didn't a guy make some Combat Armour with a BOS insignia? I remember him asking for advice here about a year ago.
If I had to wear a Fallout costume (e.g. for halloween or so I could hit on Adella) I'd rather wear a leather jacket sans sleeve than a power armor.

Just sayin'.

Fucking larpers
muster said:
i'd make a vault 13 suit, get some chains from a sex shop and paint my forehead

You couldn't get the chains anywhere else, or is it just a horrible excuse to go ito a sex shop?
Well, I suppose I could try...but, well, besides the high probability of it sucking, I'm not quite sure where to start. I've only seen a full-size Warhammer 40K helmet sold on eBay once, and it'd already ended, and that's the closest I've seen from anything that looks like the T-51B helmet.

The two next closest options are either real military gas masks and paintball masks. Unfortunately, military gas masks just cover the face in a thin rubber holding and the filters look nothing like the T-51B, and paintball masks look too "slick" and doesn't have that bulky feel of the T-51B. I'd look more like Master Chief wearing that.

Any recommendations or suggestions? Know of any possible masks/headsets from other sci-fi universes that could serve as a possible T-51B helmet?
i know the t-51b is a very cool armor but i think it's a bit hard to make. if i were you i would make something like a combat armor or as said before a leather jacket (or armor) or the vaultsuit i would not advice you to take the metal armor, tesla armor or powered armor