Anyone with a Pioneer DVD?

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Hey folks, I just got a beautiful Pioneer DVD-ROM 16X but I have a little problema...

I can't active the freakin' DMA feature! Without it, DVD playback is horribly slow. Anyone had that problem? I'm in a desesperately need of help! :-(

I have P2 233 with an Intel 82371AB and.. uh.. It says:

Intel(r) 82371AB for PCI to ISA and Power Management and
Intel(r) 82443LX/EX for Processor to AGP and Processor to PCI

I'm thinking it's my motherboard's problem, it's very old and it was the worst of its time, heh. Anyway, I have DMA enabled on all my hard disk...

Oh God, I don't know too much about this stuff, pleease, help!

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-00 AT 06:03PM (GMT)[p]Thanks, I already went to and got like 8 replies ;)

Anyway, you can't compare the DVD quality of a Monitor with one of a TV, only if you have a HDTV.

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]
>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-00
>AT 06:03 PM (GMT)
>Thanks, I already went to
>and got like 8 replies
>Anyway, you can't compare the DVD
>quality of a Monitor with
>one of a TV, only
>if you have a HDTV.

True, but you can't compare the *size* of a TV to that of a monitor. I guess you could just sit closer, but that kinda sucks when you want a group of your friends to watch it.

What does rock about using a computer instead is that you can rip the DVD, compress it using DivX ;-) or Mpeg4 compression, and have the entire DVD movie in a file that's only 720 megs or so (small enough to fit on one of those larger CD-Rs).


[div align=center]
>>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-00
>>AT 06:03 PM (GMT)
>>Thanks, I already went to
>>and got like 8 replies
>>Anyway, you can't compare the DVD
>>quality of a Monitor with
>>one of a TV, only
>>if you have a HDTV.
>True, but you can't compare the
>*size* of a TV to
>that of a monitor.
>I guess you could just
>sit closer, but that kinda
>sucks when you want a
>group of your friends to
>watch it.
>What does rock about using a
>computer instead is that you
>can rip the DVD, compress
>it using DivX ;-) or
>Mpeg4 compression, and have the
>entire DVD movie in a
>file that's only 720 megs
>or so (small enough to
>fit on one of those
>larger CD-Rs).

Right, but wouldn't a good graphics card with TV out like the GeForce2 won't do the job?

Also, I heard DVD to DivX compression takes a life to be done! I also heard that a guy with a Pentium 2 350 dual, 64mb ram, hd udma 100mhz/7200rpm of 30gb, a hollywood plus and a Pioneer 16x spend one entire night to rip 4mins of video using the fastest option...

Now that I have a DVD Drive, I should try encoding a dvd movie.

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
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>Right, but wouldn't a good graphics
>card with TV out like
>the GeForce2 won't do the

I've got an ATI Rage 128 that has TV out.. it only does 800x600..

>Also, I heard DVD to DivX
>compression takes a life to
>be done! I also heard
>that a guy with a
>Pentium 2 350 dual, 64mb
>ram, hd udma 100mhz/7200rpm of
>30gb, a hollywood plus and
>a Pioneer 16x spend one
>entire night to rip 4mins
>of video using the fastest

Pentium 2? 64 megs of RAM? No wonder. What OS? Unless it's WinNT and a version that supports more than one processor, that second processor isn't doing shit.

Really, that's a dumpy machine for encoding. I doubt if it is good enough to actually *watch* a full-screen DivX ;-) DVD movie at an acceptable framerate. It takes about ten hours on an Athlon 1200mhz to do an entire DVD. Unless you're using a machine with *at least* 600mhz, you shouldn't even be thinking about encoding.

>Now that I have a DVD
>Drive, I should try encoding
>a dvd movie.

Hehe, good luck unless you have a good machine. Also, if you're going to do it, don't scrimp on the quality, because it will take a long time to encode *anyway* so you'd better get it right the first time.


[div align=center]
>>Also, I heard DVD to DivX
>>compression takes a life to
>>be done! I also heard
>>that a guy with a
>>Pentium 2 350 dual, 64mb
>>ram, hd udma 100mhz/7200rpm of
>>30gb, a hollywood plus and
>>a Pioneer 16x spend one
>>entire night to rip 4mins
>>of video using the fastest
>Pentium 2? 64 megs of
>RAM? No wonder.
>What OS? Unless it's
>WinNT and a version that
>supports more than one processor,
>that second processor isn't doing
>Really, that's a dumpy machine for
>encoding. I doubt if
>it is good enough to
>actually *watch* a full-screen DivX
>;-) DVD movie at an
>acceptable framerate. It takes
>about ten hours on an
>Athlon 1200mhz to do an
>entire DVD. Unless you're
>using a machine with *at
>least* 600mhz, you shouldn't even
>be thinking about encoding.

10 hours on a 1.2 Athlon?! Woa... If it took 10 hours on that, then on my ol' good Pentium 2 233 will take... hmm... lets see.. Something like 50 hours! Cool, heh...

>>Now that I have a DVD
>>Drive, I should try encoding
>>a dvd movie.
>Hehe, good luck unless you have
>a good machine.

Yeah... Sure... ;-)

> Also,
>if you're going to do
>it, don't scrimp on the
>quality, because it will take
>a long time to encode
>*anyway* so you'd better get
>it right the first time.

Lets suppouse, a 120min movie, what would be the best settings to use to make it 650mb?

(I don't want to waste 50 hours to realize I mistook! Aah.. I'm not that crazy to waste 50 hours to do that anyway...)

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]
>Lets suppouse, a 120min movie, what
>would be the best settings
>to use to make it
>(I don't want to waste 50
>hours to realize I mistook!
>Aah.. I'm not that crazy
>to waste 50 hours to
>do that anyway...)

Not too sure actually, I don't have a system adequate enough to encode with, so I don't do it. I'd check on Yahoo for guides on how to do it. I'd suggest doing DivX ;-) Fast-Motion compression.


[div align=center]
RE: Heh heh heh..

>Like I said.
>MatuX: Hey guys, come round to
>my house! We can kick
>back in front of the
>computer and watch a movie!

What, with your cheap-as-you-can-get PS2 DVD player? You *do* know that Sony put only the cheapest DVD player in the PS2 as they could right? No offense intended here either. :)

>Ha, even my PS2 is faster
>than your computer, MatuX! Never
>thought I'd see the day.
>No offense. :)

I have to say that most people's systems are faster than Matux's.. It isn't much to upgrade however.. You can get an Athlon 1100mhz for about $218 at a local store in my town. RAM is extremely cheap too. I'll probably get 512meg or maybe a gig the next time I upgrade my system, I'm running 128 right now, and even that's starting to not be enough..

Oh and never get an ATI card.. man, their driver support *sucks*, and their cards can't compare to the GeForce variety. Next time, I'm going for a quality GeForce 3D card, not some schmuck of an ATI card.. though my current one has served me well for about two years, with most of the time spent using the original drivers because they were the most stable.


[div align=center]
RE: Heh heh heh..

>What, with your cheap-as-you-can-get PS2 DVD
>player? You *do* know
>that Sony put only the
>cheapest DVD player in the
>PS2 as they could right?
> No offense intended here
>either. :)

None taken. I didn't make the thing.

But yep! Cheap! After all, DVD's are for watching, and I personally don't see many movies anyway. It's primarily for games, and there it just damn well rocks. If you want to see it's raw power, there's a demo called 'Find My Own Way'. NO computer I've ever seen could do that many polygons and particles without buggering up severely.

>I have to say that most
>people's systems are faster than

Uh-oh! You dropped the appelation of X! That's to show how cool he is, so that's about as bad as calling a king Jimbo or something.

You know, there's always been a picture in my mind when I think of the Mod Squad.

Picture a stage. MatuX is standing on it, wearing a crown with his name on it. Smackrazor sits casually next to him, clad in a leather jacket and displaying a very clean shaven face. MatuX is standing tall, waving his finger about in a proclamatory manner. Off in the background stands Dr. W95, in a long white lab coat, scowling over his shoulder at the two leaders, plotting some evil doings. The others I'm not so sure about at the moment, but I think BrAkA might be caressing a bottle of
RE: Heh heh heh..

Well, my keyboard kinda messed up there for a second, so to continue...

...whiskey over at a nearby table. Perhaps Cyrus stands near wearing army gear, toting a massive machine gun, a slight smile on his face about something only he knows.

Oh, and it's the X that does it, MatuX!

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
RE: Heh heh heh..

>>Ha, even my PS2 is faster
>>than your computer, MatuX! Never
>>thought I'd see the day.
>>No offense.
>I have to say that most people's systems are faster than
>Matux's.. It isn't much to upgrade however.. You can get an
>Athlon 1100mhz for about $218 at a local store in my town. RAM
>is extremely cheap too. I'll probably get 512meg or maybe a gig
>the next time I upgrade my system, I'm running 128 right now,
>and even that's starting to not be enough..

Athlon 1.1Ghz $218?????!?!? WTF?! I know it's simply maddness, but the only place where I saw it here in Argentina, it was $1500.........
God... What an Anti-Technological country I live in!

Anyway, I'm getting a $5000 from a inherit so this is what I'm gonna buy:

AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz
Motherboard ASUS A7V (KT133)
Monitor Viewsonic 19" GS790
DIMM 256mb SDRAM PC133 (making a total of 320mb)
Western Digital 40.0Gb 7200RPM
Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1 Digital
Jazz 9902 5.1 Home Theater
DVD Decoding Card RealMagic Hollywood plus
CD Recorder Samsung 8x4x32 IDE OEM
MS Intellimouse Explorer
Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel
Sidewinder Game Voice
Internet Keyboard Pro
ScanJet Hewlett Packard 3400

Heh, isn't that cool?! HUH?

>Oh and never get an ATI card.. man, their driver support
>*sucks*, and their cards can't compare to the GeForce variety.
>Next time, I'm going for a quality GeForce 3D card, not some
>schmuck of an ATI card.. though my current one has served me
>well for about two years, with most of the time spent using the
>original drivers because they were the most stable.

I have a GeForce2 MX, although it's the slower from the GF2 series, it works like a charm... Fast and with all the image quality from the GF2 chip!

>But yep! Cheap! After all, DVD's are for watching, and I
>personally don't see many movies anyway. It's primarily for
>games, and there it just damn well rocks. If you want to see
>it's raw power, there's a demo called 'Find My Own Way'. NO
>computer I've ever seen could do that many polygons and
>particles without buggering up severely.

You really have see nothing... Although the big difference between the PS2, Dreamcast, etc. and PCs is that you don't need to be upgrading it every 3 or 4 months, it's much cheaper, and it offers good quality for long time.

>Uh-oh! You dropped the appelation of X! That's to show how cool
>he is

Is this an.... umm... Indirect offense or...?

It's MatuX because I *like* it being that way!

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]
RE: Heh heh heh..

>Anyway, I'm getting a $5000 from
>a inherit so this is
>what I'm gonna buy:
>AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz

1 Gigahertz? That's it?

>Motherboard ASUS A7V (KT133)
>Monitor Viewsonic 19" GS790
>DIMM 256mb SDRAM PC133 (making a

I'd ensure that it is DDR RAM, not just normal RAM.

>total of 320mb)
>Western Digital 40.0Gb 7200RPM

Bah, that's pathetic, I'd buy two.

>Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1 Digital
>Jazz 9902 5.1 Home Theater
>DVD Decoding Card RealMagic Hollywood plus

If you buy a good video card, it will do DVD decoding for you. Besides, you should be converting them to DivX ;-) anyway. :)

>CD Recorder Samsung 8x4x32 IDE OEM

Hell, my current CD-R does better than that, it's 10x4x32, and an HP at that. Buy better quality I say.

>MS Intellimouse Explorer

Yes, they are nice.. heh heh..

>Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel
>Sidewinder Game Voice
>Internet Keyboard Pro
>ScanJet Hewlett Packard 3400

No, it's all about the Laserjet 2100M. 1200 Laser-quality DPI baby.

>Heh, isn't that cool?! HUH?

$5000? What you have listed above adds up to something like $1200. You're being had. Here's what I'd go for:

$300 - 1200mhz Thunderbird Athlon processor.
$150 - Motherboard (choose one that has good support)
$400 - 19" Viewsonic Monitor.
$590 - 512MB of SDRAM PC-133ECC Registered Memory RAM
$480 - GUILLEMONT Prophet II GTS Ultra 64MB DDR Geforce2 w/ TV - OEM
2x $275 - 60GB IBM - 7200 RPM - AT100 - 5 Yrs Warranty from IBM

$400 - Best HP CD-R you can get.

$700 - HP Laserjet 2100M

$500 - Whatever other stuff you had listed up there.

Let's see, that adds up to $4070, which is $1000 less than your $5000 monster up there. If anything, invest in the CPU, RAM, and then the Video Card, and maybe the hard drive, the rest can wait, and those that I just listed will not cost $5000, or even $2000.

>You really have see nothing... Although
>the big difference between the
>PS2, Dreamcast, etc. and PCs
>is that you don't need
>to be upgrading it every
>3 or 4 months, it's
>much cheaper, and it offers
>good quality for long time.

Who says you need to upgrade? A Duron 600 will do just fine for practically anything you do, it's only if you're a super avid gamer that a super-system will really matter to you.


[div align=center]
RE: Heh heh heh..

>>AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz
>1 Gigahertz? That's it?
Huh? What's wrong with it?

>>DIMM 256mb SDRAM PC133 (making a
>I'd ensure that it is DDR
>RAM, not just normal RAM.

Yeah, I already heard of those, didn't see them in Argentina, and I'm pretty sure they will be damn expensive here.

>>Western Digital 40.0Gb 7200RPM
>Bah, that's pathetic, I'd buy two.
Yah, I was actually going to buy two 20Gb for OS (W2k, W98 and Linux) and a 30Gb for storing. But I'm not really sure about this, I have to crawl for more information.

>>DVD Decoding Card RealMagic Hollywood plus
>If you buy a good video
>card, it will do DVD
>decoding for you. Besides,
>you should be converting them
>to DivX ;-) anyway. :)
GF2 uses a reduced version of the CineMaster99 hardware decoding, and from the image quality I got, it isn't good. Plus, the Hollywood rules all the way on DVD decoding and it's damn cheap, $89 here.

>>CD Recorder Samsung 8x4x32 IDE OEM
>Hell, my current CD-R does better
>than that, it's 10x4x32, and
>an HP at that.
>Buy better quality I say.
Yah, but they're very expensive here, I can get that cdr at $189 because it's OEM and because I don't know why the hell it's that cheap on that computer store. I commonly get it for +$240!

>>ScanJet Hewlett Packard 3400
>No, it's all about the Laserjet
>2100M. 1200 Laser-quality DPI baby.
The ScanJet HP 3400 is incredibly cheap ($133) and it has a cool design! ;)

Really, it's not a matter of extremely good quality, I ain't going to use it a lot, I don't even know if I'm going to actually use it.

>>Heh, isn't that cool?! HUH?
>$5000? What you have listed
>above adds up to something
>like $1200.

It's $2800, and of course the price will be twice than in the USA.

>$300 - 1200mhz Thunderbird Athlon processor.
Gah, the 1Ghz I listed is $399...

>$150 - Motherboard (choose one that
>has good support)
AFAIK, the A7V is the best for Thunderbird/Duron based chips. But it costs $250...

>$400 - 19" Viewsonic Monitor.
$568 here.

>$590 - 512MB of SDRAM PC-133ECC
>Registered Memory RAM
Hmmm.. $590? What about 512mb SDRAM PC133 at $360? There has to be something wrong here, very cheap... Well, I don't know about the "ECC" and the "RM RAM" you say.

>$480 - GUILLEMONT Prophet II GTS
>Ultra 64MB DDR Geforce2 w/
I already have my nice GF2 MX!

But, wait, GF2 GTS or Ultra? I think the Ultra costs $480 (in USA, of course), not the GTS.

>2x $275 - 60GB IBM -
>7200 RPM - AT100 -
>5 Yrs Warranty from IBM
$275 60GB??! Woa, I gotta check that out, the 30Gb Caviar is $235 here!

>$700 - HP Laserjet 2100M
Too much for a scanner.

>Let's see, that adds up to
>$4070, which is $1000 less
>than your $5000 monster up
>there. If anything, invest
>in the CPU, RAM, and
>then the Video Card, and
>maybe the hard drive, the
>rest can wait, and those
>that I just listed will
>not cost $5000, or even
Grrrr! I wish I could live in USA. Anyway, I don't want to spend more than $3000 on a computer (I already have other plans for the others $2000), I will take a look at your list, check some prices here.

>>You really have see nothing... Although
>>the big difference between the
>>PS2, Dreamcast, etc. and PCs
>>is that you don't need
>>to be upgrading it every
>>3 or 4 months, it's
>>much cheaper, and it offers
>>good quality for long time.
>Who says you need to upgrade?
> A Duron 600 will
>do just fine for practically
>anything you do, it's only
>if you're a super avid
>gamer that a super-system will
>really matter to you.

It's easy for someone who lives in USA, or Japan or Germany or one of those countries (I don't know how they're called in English :( ). ~40% of South Americans don't even have a computer, and 80% of the ones who has it, it isn't even a Pentium 2/K6-2 generation.
Then the prices in South America are HELLA expensive... It would be cool if I could use those $5000 to go and live in the USA, heh.

Well, that is actually what I'm planning to do in the future, after I finish university, anyway, thanks for your tips, Xotor. :)

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]
RE: Heh heh heh..

>>$590 - 512MB of SDRAM PC-133ECC
>>Registered Memory RAM
>Hmmm.. $590? What about 512mb SDRAM
>PC133 at $360? There has
>to be something wrong here,
>very cheap... Well, I don't
>know about the "ECC" and
>the "RM RAM" you say.

ECC RAM is built for high-demand servers, so it should improve your RAM "experience."

>>$480 - GUILLEMONT Prophet II GTS
>>Ultra 64MB DDR Geforce2 w/
>>TV - OEM
>I already have my nice GF2
>But, wait, GF2 GTS or Ultra?
>I think the Ultra costs
>$480 (in USA, of course),
>not the GTS.

MX is the cheapest GeForce chipset. Usually it sells on $100 cards. It gets about 1/2 to 1/3 the frame rate and speed as a Geforce GTS.

>>2x $275 - 60GB IBM -
>>7200 RPM - AT100 -
>>5 Yrs Warranty from IBM
>$275 60GB??! Woa, I gotta check
>that out, the 30Gb Caviar
>is $235 here!

It'll be at my local store soon.

>>$700 - HP Laserjet 2100M
>Too much for a scanner.

Printer, not scanner. A good scanner will cost $300, a normal one will cost $100.

>Grrrr! I wish I could live
>in USA. Anyway, I don't
>want to spend more than
>$3000 on a computer (I
>already have other plans for
>the others $2000), I will
>take a look at your
>list, check some prices here.

>It's easy for someone who lives
>in USA, or Japan or
>Germany or one of those
>countries (I don't know how
>they're called in English :(
>). ~40% of South Americans
>don't even have a computer,
>and 80% of the ones
>who has it, it isn't
>even a Pentium 2/K6-2 generation.
>Then the prices in South America
>are HELLA expensive... It would
>be cool if I could
>use those $5000 to go
>and live in the USA,
>Well, that is actually what I'm
>planning to do in the
>future, after I finish university,
>anyway, thanks for your tips,
>Xotor. :)

Maybe buy it and have them ship it to you. The shipping can't cost more than $500 at the most, and that's a big savings if you make a large purchase.

America, land of the free.. or at least inexpensive!


[div align=center]
RE: Heh heh heh..

>ECC RAM is built for high-demand
>servers, so it should improve
>your RAM "experience."

With the on-die L2 cache of the Thunderbird + its speed, 320mb of PC133 SDRAM should be more than sufficient to deliever extremely high speed and efficiency.

>MX is the cheapest GeForce chipset.
> Usually it sells on
>$100 cards. It gets
>about 1/2 to 1/3 the
>frame rate and speed as
>a Geforce GTS.

Yah, but most games uses VSync to syncrhonize FPS with the Monitor, a standard monitor can't handle more than ~75fps, so, with a 1Ghz CPU and a MX (which makes Q3 don't drop from ~50fps even on my computer), why would I need to run it on higher fps?

The benchmarks shows the Ultra running at even 300fps without VSync, but why the hell would I need it at more than 75fps if it makes the game run **extremely** fast?

A 1Ghz CPU + MX can deliver awesome gameplay and it's cheap!

>>>2x $275 - 60GB IBM -
>>>7200 RPM - AT100 -
>>>5 Yrs Warranty from IBM
>>$275 60GB??! Woa, I gotta check
>>that out, the 30Gb Caviar
>>is $235 here!
>It'll be at my local store

I found it at $363 here *sigh*.

>Maybe buy it and have them
>ship it to you.
>The shipping can't cost more
>than $500 at the most,
>and that's a big savings
>if you make a large
>America, land of the free.. or
>at least inexpensive!

I have to pay 50% on taxes for +$100 imported products. :D

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]
RE: Heh heh heh..

never compare prices with americans its depressing

anyway if you're going to go for an awesome godlike system don't get a geforce2 wait for the nv20 or the radeon 2. ATI are starting to make really good cards now the radeon is really good and has more features than any currently available geforce of course the drivers suck.