Application Error, what is that means


First time out of the vault

I know, you gonna hit me or something but i could not find the solution (actually i found but do not help to me) By the way its happening all the time, not just any moment..

Manual install? I tried..
Patch.. of course.. it was the first actually, but you gonna say first "manual stupid! manual!".. dont you?
re-install? ...many times, really..
cfg file check? yes..

if anyone, if any GOOD person (:P) know the answer.. just tell to me, i need help, i really loved this game (nooba yeah..)

aaand.. sorry about the english, i'm really new on this.. (but talking english is very funny thing, isnt it?)

P4 2.8 Ghz
Windows Xp SP2
I have no anti-virus or anti-hacker or anti-user program..
first guess would be to try out the compatibilty-options for older OS. (in properties of the fallout.exe)
Those old games seem to have problems with WinXP
Lets see, application error . . . Err, um. This is not my forte:
Clean install of fallout, error persist?
Patched install of fallout, error persist?
Try this: open the game directory (the fallout folder)
Write down the path to the fallout.exe (Assuming that's what it's called c:\program files\interplay . . . fallout.exe).
Press ctrl alt delete, click on processes, and close everything you can close.
(Note, you might be forced to restart your computer when you disable a certain process I cannot remember -- Write its name down so you don't it again!)
Close even explorer.exe.
Once you have every process closed that will close, click New task.
Enter the fallout directory, say c:\program files\fallout\fallout.exe then click "OK"
See if that helps -- Hopefully that'll get rid of any conflicting processes running in the background.

What else?
A virus. A trogan. A root-thing . . . Run some virus software.

Then, I don't know. If none of that works, reformat your system, immediately install Avast and some sort of firewall, such as Commodo, and install the game.

Hrm. Finally, I'm not sure how the task manager works in XP (I know it's similar to Vista's, but I've been away from XP for so long now that I can't quite recall . . . Perhaps someone could translate my instructions [or tell me if I'm full of $#it]).

Or, maybe the install disk is damaged. Or your harddrive needs to be horribly defragged. or . . . :oops:
Thanks for the ideas on how to stop this happening.
At the moment it appears that i have to switch off all the various segments of my anti virus software (Norton 2009) and this does the trick as i have had only one i believe application error message when the mouse stuck for some reason.
I don't know if Fallout paints its own mouse or uses a hardware one . . . Only thing I could suggest is updating or rolling back your current mouse driver.

Or, if possible, turning on or off the hardware mouse in the Fallout config file (assuming its even an option).