RE: hehe..
"I'm playing a tech dwarf focusing on Firearms, Gun Smithy and Smithy (Putting points in Smithy seems like a really bad idea, now. I should have invested them in Explosives and Throw). I'm having some difficulty with combats, but I think I can manage ok. "
I played as that. When I started my first five points went into 1 Dexterity plus 2 for dodge and melee. Never raised them after that.
The way you're playing you'll be alright when you get the looking glass rifle. Everything before that is rubbish. And... When you finally get full smithy I'd suggest getting full Mechanical afterwards. That way, you can make automatons. (Full smithy gives you Elite Plate which you need and mechanical gives you the spiders).
If you go that way (presuming you still are, how old is this message?) then when you get mechanical go to the Wheel Clan (you'll know where) and visit the 'inventor' down there. Just keep sleeping for days and days until you can buy 4-5 steam engines at 7,500 coins each (don't worry you don't need the money, I never did anyway...) Then make Automatons!!! Then, you'll never actually have to be involved in combat again! Just stand back and let your machines do the thumping!!
Yay! I can make dialog for my mod now!! (After a week of working it out...)