[Arcanum] Introducing A Basic Tutorial for Mod-Making

RE: Introducing A Basic Tutorial for Mod-Making

If you get a chance to read the (very short) tutorial. Give me some feedback. My site's had 40 hits in 3 days since I posted it up there (pretty good from my point of view). But I need to know what someone thinks of it. Is it too long-winded?

I'm about to update my site in about 3 days (after the weekend) with Part 2 of the tutorial - building a decent building, terrain, scenery, street lights, signs, containers and whatever else I end up doing on the weekend, so a comment or two about the style of tutorial would be good (if you can).

Moo... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow!
RE: Introducing A Basic Tutorial for Mod-Making

I like it, actually. It has a sort of "Mod-Making for Dummies" feel to it, which is what I need.
RE: Introducing A Basic Tutorial for Mod-Making

"I like it, actually. It has a sort of "Mod-Making for Dummies" feel to it, which is what I need."

GREAT! That's what I was aiming for. (Considering it took me two hours before I even worked out how to scroll in WorldEd.) I kind of figured a lot of people would need that.

Hopefully, about to become a member of the er... I can't say... Be unlike the monkey! I like divided kilts :)