Arcanum will not run :(


First time out of the vault
Well after hearing so many good things about Arcanum, I decided to give it a try. Lo and behold, I install it, click the icon and....nothing. So I try compatibility mode for win95 and I get an error saying "Unable to load funtion: FT_Thunk (KERNEL32.DLL). Now this is on Vista, but rumor has it that Arcanum is supposed to run on Vista. What gives?
Zaptoman said:
Well after hearing so many good things about Arcanum, I decided to give it a try. Lo and behold, I install it, click the icon and....nothing. So I try compatibility mode for win95 and I get an error saying "Unable to load funtion: FT_Thunk (KERNEL32.DLL). Now this is on Vista, but rumor has it that Arcanum is supposed to run on Vista. What gives?

Roll back to XP.
If you got your old XP/Win2k laying around, you can try creating a Virtual Machine ofit and see if arcanum will run in that. (either MS Virtual PC, or VMWare's VMwarePlayer)

Given there isn't any super fancy 3d rendering or anything, I'd say it stands a decent chance of working actually..
Oh noez! I lost three FPS by upgrading to a more hardware intensive OS! What will I ever do?