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You know what?

I have all but given up the idea of a petition to Troika for an unofficial sequel to Fallout.
In my scope of things the Fallout world never meant that much to me.
But if there is anyone who really like me to petition, tell me NOW for I have become very disillusioned with the idea.

In the mean of time I am very excited about Arcanum and would like to discuss the possibility of a No Mages Allowed site with the moderators here, particularly Roshambo. I think I could help.

P.S. Anyone else here had the chance to play the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo? Doesn't it kick ass! "Very Hard" mode is probably the best implemented extreme difficulty level I've ever seen in a game!
1) In one of his interviews, Tim Cain says he wasn't ready to make a sequel to Fallout at the time when its production began. In another interview, he said that he has his mind set on Arcanum 2 or Arcanum expansion. In yet another interview, he says he wanted to make a super-hero simulation, IIRC. Let's not pressure him with petitions. Do you really want Sierra to take a look at it, then say Tim: "Look, either make the unofficial sequel, or else"? How good do you think it will be if developers don't want to make it?

2) IIRC, Miroslav already began a work on No Mages Allowed.

[hr width=440]
[p align=center][/p][p align=center][font color=FF00FF face=fixedsys]- Why hello there, Ranger -
[font color=00DD00 face=fixedsys]- (Sigh) Go away! -[/p]
Although I like Fallout: Tactics as a game, it's a failure as a Fallout game. I'm working on an elaborate rant about this, but I think you know what I mean in any case. I have come to the conclusion based on Tactics that they have lost the vision that was Fallout, and I'm not optimistic that they will get it back for Fallout 3, assuming it's ever produced.

From what I've seen of Arcanum, I think it's about as close as we're going to get to a new Fallout game. If you haven't purused the web page, go there now. This, too, is a retro-futuristic vision, only now instead of being ripped from the pages of pulp magazines of the 40's and 50's, it's ripped from the works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells -- basically back to the roots of science fiction itself. I'm not the only one on this board who has noticed the similarities between what Fallout was and what Arcanum is promising to be.