@ Courier: I don't dispute that. I just think it is being executed poorly. If all the countries in the world wanted to do something bad enough they could do more, but they are more worried about other things. They do a lot of good of course, but they are really going about it the wrong way. Yeah I do rant a bit, but it's only because I donated a lot of money to a few charities, and I don't think they do enough with the funds they receive. I am tired of corrupt organizations acting like they give a fuck.
@Sabirah: A Wall Street Trader is no better. Hell volunteer for a charity group if you like, but when will they ever get organized enough to actually help?
I am simply saying they don't work together well enough. The organizations tend to bumble about a lot. The commercials they put on TV are a joke. It has been done the same way since it's inception. It isn't working well enough, and it should be obvious that they need to restructure their efforts.
I am just curious why people are still drinking out of sub-par water conditions under areas of these supposed "Charities" influence. Many of these groups are fucking those people over, and it is deplorable to say the least. So until something changes with these groups I say fuck most of them. You can't determine where your money is really going when you send it to them. If someone cares enough to really make some changes, they will join the Peace Corp, or go over there and build a well with clean water for some people.
I know of a few decent organizations though. Out of all the others they stand above the rest, but they are few and far between. I think they should de-sterilize all people in areas that have little kids drinking disease infested water, eating rotten food, and plagued by rampant disease. Children should not have to be raised in those kinds of environments. They are too uneducated to know any better which makes it even more disturbing. They are simply propagating the further destruction of millions of people at the rate they are going.
I don't expect anyone to agree with me though.