Are Fallout Fan Boys Blinded By Nostalgia?

It's because of the so-called game 'journalists' or game 'critics', like IGN and the likes of those fucks. One minute you would hear from them how a game is disappointing or how it's a step-down compared to other games, and a minute later they would give it 8/10.

oof they have diff opinion
Fuck off and die.
ayy turn up\

Huh what started as just an experiment turned into an actual discussion well you do you guys
And to think I replied politely and was actually trying to have a discussion since the start of this thread but I was ignored apparently. Oh the woes of being a nice guy. :postviper:
Fuck off and die.
Stop being an idiot Zeno, tell people to go fuck off and die is against the rules of this forum even if it is badly disguised as a game quote.
Any real moderator should strike me for backseat moderating now :hide:.

Since everyone else is posting what rating is for them, I better join in just because I am bored.
  1. Unplayable game (like it really doesn't run).
  2. Unplayable game (full of serious bugs, awfully implemented mechanics, awfully implemented controls, etc).
  3. Barely playable game (full of bugs/exploits, no balancing, stupid and inappropriate mechanics that make no sense in the type of game it is, bad and unmapabble controls, awful story if it is a game that relies on story, awful music, etc).
  4. A playable game (but sub-par mechanics, sub-par story, sub-par characters, not well balanced, boring, a game I might think it was ok in the first 5-10 minutes playing but after that I am dreading every minute I play it).
  5. A playable average game (a game that might be fun but it is average, average writing, average mechanics, average music, basically a game that doesn't do anything better or anything worst than most other games of the same genre).
  6. A playable fun average game (a game that is fun to play but doesn't stray much from the rate 5 formula, but for some reason it has something a bit better)
  7. A good game (a game that I have a lot of fun playing and that innovates or improves in a good way some area that most of the other games of it's genre don't)
  8. A very fun and addictive game (a game that improves or innovates even more or in better ways things from the previous rating, a game you play and have as much fun by the end of it as you had at the start of it, a game you never got bored playing)
  9. The near perfect game (a game that is like or better in mechanics, story, balance, etc than the ones from the previous rating or that makes innovations that no other game made before and they work perfectly. A game you never stop having fun from start to end, a game it might be more fun by the end of it than it was at the start, and when you finish it you keep wanting more, a game you always feel like playing when you are not, a game that invokes strong feelings and emotions during and after playing it).
  10. The perfect game that will never be made.
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No its more than that. They aren't critics they're basically adverts at this point. How often do you see a negative review of a AAA game unless its outright broken?

When the fuck do you see a negative review even IF it's broken!?

its 2 in the morning jesus people

No its more than that. They aren't critics they're basically adverts at this point. How often do you see a negative review of a AAA game unless its outright broken?

thats your opinion though

watch gon reply rl quick now

its 2 in the morning jesus people

thats your opinion though

watch gon reply rl quick now
1. Its only 1:51 am here

2. ... No thats pretty much fact. You almost never see AAA games really criticized in any meaningful way or at all really by game journalists.
So I just woke up and thought an old thread was being bumped.

Turns out it's this monstrosity.
To save face he claimed to have made this topic to see what this website is like. It would be better if he just moved on.
Based on his latest posts, he should have moved on. Some of those posts read like a spambot's posts (the incoherent ones since some of those spambots are surprisingly coherent sometimes).

"I made this thread to see if I like this site or not."

Nice try, AccountNameM.
IIRC, AccountNameM made that Superman alt to do something stupid like 'assessing the site'? Part of me thinks Worm King could be an alt of someone else on the site.