Are Gain Stat or Skill Point Perks A Waste?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
There are seven ranks of the Gain perk. One for each statistic as long as the corresponding stat is less than 10. And there are many perks that raise your skills such as Mr. Fixit, Thief, Tag, and the popular Living Anatomy. Yet when you beat the game, you get the hint book from Father Tully and your stats all raise to 10 and all your skills to the max of 300%. So I'm wondering if these perks are a waste if you can raise your stats to 10 and skills to 300% at the end of the game with the hint book.
Most people doesn't really play much (or at all) after the end game. So for those, it is worth depending on their builds, I guess.
SPECIAL raising perks are more worth it than skill raising ones (Living Anatomy increases damage to most enemies so it is useful).
well I have the restoration project installed. I can get a point of agility from using the serum found in the blue level. And my gun users usually start with 8 luck and take the NCR zeta scan to get 10. Maybe I should start with 7 luck and 8 agility instead. Then I can take the Gain Agility and Luck perks. That will save up two stat points I can spend elsewhere.
These perks are a general waste of time, though not because of the Guidebook (it's post-endgame, so it's a non-factor). All the skill bonuses are useless due to the skill books, the sheer volume of skill points you gain, and the general absence of high level skill checks. Off the top of my head, the only reason you might want to waste a perk slot on Mr Fixit is if you want Skynet and want to conserve skill points getting the requisite 121% (and forget that you can get there with two levels' worth of skill points), but even then it's an insanely specific use for precious perk slots.

Gain perks are better, though not by much. You already have Gifted and enough SPECIAL points to make a powerful diplosniper, with later bonuses (+6 if you make the right choices). There are better perks.
Considering the guidebook is gained after the end of the game, it means you already did everything relevant beforehand. Do you care more about the character you will actually use for 99% of the game lenght or the one you will play a couple of hours after the credits had rolled ?
Level 12 Tag! perk is great. Pump your Science or Repair skill up to 90% with books, grab Tag! perk and watch your skill reaching insane numbers, decrease it to reasonable ~130% before you leave the character screen and enjoy incredible amount of free skillpoints.